26. Joelle

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Just A Dream

He was silent for a bit. "You want to hear what's in me? Fucking fine." Then he sighed and snapped through his gritted teeth. "What the fuck do you think you're doing in there, Joelle Claire?!" He exclaimed and I chuckled. I was about to hug him but instead, he held me up from swerving or collapsing, as he kept that same, angry look on his face.  

Sean threw his arms to me and gripped on me more. "Not that bad?!" He demanded, grabbing my arms and forcing them to the sides. His orbs shot straight into mine. "That guy was hitting on you, and you're making out with him!" He pointed in the structure.   

He pulled me and grabbed me by my arm as I got lost in his gaze, and then all the pain I've been through starts gushing back to me. "Who did that to you? Who fucked you up so bad, emotionally and mentally that you've completely shut anyone who tries to help you? You don't want to talk about your feelings anymore and you're pushing me away, and you're letting negative people in and break you more. You refuse to open up and let someone, let me love or care about you. Who fucking did that to you?" Sean cupped my face in his hands as he looked at me straight in the eye, sadness and pain in his soul.  

He loosened his grip and looked away. He groaned and turned away from me. "I'm sorry." He whispered in my ear and then I felt soft lips against mine as he kissed me. I was trying to pull away and say a word but instead, I pulled him closer as my mind, and my body betrayed me. I responded to his kisses. He cupped my face and pulled me closer. His tongue explored my mouth, giving me chills that my whole system enjoyed. I closed my eyes, and then remnants of that kiss rushed back. I pulled away and he was confused. It was him. He was my mystery kiss. "Shit, stop fighting Elle." He whispered and claimed my lips again. He started kissing me down my jawline to my neck. A shiver goes down my spine as he started sucking on my sweet spot. And then, he starts kissing me harder and more rough than ever. Pulling away for air, he licked his lips. "Fuck those complications taking over in the past, Joelle. I'm choosing you now. I choose to love you." He remained eyes closed as he rested his forehead on mine.  

"You are mine, and mine alone."  

Gasping for air, I shot up straight. Slowly blinking a few more times, I tried my best to adjust my sight as I rubbed my forehead, my mind was going round and round like I was crazy. It was pounding so bad and I groaned. Now that I can clearly see my surroundings, I was in an unfamiliar space, enclosed white four walls, on a bed, and the back of my right palm had syringe or a needle on it, connected to a dextrose.

What's going on? What happened to me? "Oh my gosh you're awake. Don't sit up yet, you're not well." It was Maddie. Maddie? What is she doing here? "I'm going to call the doctor, hold on." She helped me lie back down on the bed. 

Soon, there were two nurses and a doctor checking up on me. "How are you feeling?" The doctor asked, as I tried to remember what happened to me but my head just pounded harder and it made everything worse. "Don't force yourself to remember anything yet, you're just missing a button or two." He metaphorically said. "She had strong familiarity with booze and blacked out but you should be thankful because she's only having fragmentary and not en bloc. As their names imply, fragmentary blackouts cause the drinker to not recall moments for small periods of time, whereas en bloc refers to larger periods. People like her who experiences fragmentary black outs can typically recall forgotten events once they're reminded of them so you should basically help her about it. A strong alcohol might have triggered a neurophysiological, chemical disruption in the brain's hippocampus, a region integral to memory formation, causing her to collapse and black out." He paused as I tried to keep on listening, but I can't process all the words. "Black outs tend to indicate a high level of intoxication, during which time drinkers don't exhibit their best judgment which is disturbed by restlessness, such as delirious dreams, illusions, and , and incoherence of thoughts and speech. So I advice at it's best that you should be with her until we confirm that she's fine." The doctor nodded and Maddie thanked him. 

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