1. Joelle

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Sweet Nothing


I fluttered my eyes open, adjusting to the sun ray which blinded me. Ugh, I forgot I set the Skype video calls on auto-answer. Shifting my body to the right, I reached for my phone and tried to pull a smile. "Good morning, Ethan! I love you too." I greeted the four year old kid that was cheerfully smiling at me on the screen. I grasped on my phone, holding it landscaped as I walked to the kitchen. I settled the the phone on the counter and adjusted it a bit to lean on the Nesquik container. "Have you eaten yet, E?" I asked and got everything I need to prepare breakfast.

"Yes, Abigail already fed me pancakes earlier. And you know what, it's so yummy!" He told me while he made circular motion of his both hands on his tummy while licking his lips.

"Oh, really?" I paused to whatever I was doing and then turned to face my phone. "Yummier than my pancakes?" I asked and raised my eye brow, smirking.

"No, your pancakes will always be the best, Elle!!!" He cheered and I laughed.

We continued sharing different stories to what happened to our days yesterday. But later on, I remembered that I earned a lot last night. "I have something to tell you, E." His head shot up and he quickly kept his coloring book in his bag to listen to my sentence. "Well, last night, Mrs. King added my salary last night and..... I'm going to get the new shoes you wanted!!!" I thought he was going to squeal but he didn't. Instead, his face dropped. "What's wrong, Ethan? Aren't you happy?" I asked.

"I thought you're going to get me here from Los Angeles and then we'll be together again." He told me.  "You know, I don't care if you don't get me the toys, the clothes, and the shoes I wanted. Because what I want more is you... with me here. You and I will be okay together. And that's enough for me. I want you to teach me all the lessons because I don't like you teaching other kids." His words stabbed me and I was about to cry but with him seeing it, I should stop my tears from falling down. I should show him that I am brave. That I am strong.

Fortunately, Abigail showed up and eyed me. "Uh, Ethan, come on." Ethan frowns and tells Abi that he still wants to talk to me. "But Elle is going to be late as well. Let's see, later tonight, we'll just Skype her again. You'll be late, let's get ready for school, yeah?" Ethan nodded and I took the chance to wipe off the tears away that are about to roll down my cheeks. "Get in the bath tub, I'll be there in a minute." She yelled at the kid.

I smiled as soon as Abigail gave me a half-smile. "Thank you so much for everything, Abi. You don't know how much I'm grateful to be your best friend. Without you, I don't know how I'll manage Ethan alone. Tell Maura and David that too." I added her parents.

"Oh, that's nothing, Elle. Ethan and you are a family to us. You know, that's the only thing I can do to repay everything your brother has done for me in the past." And then I remembered all the memories of my family.

Everything in my life was pure frustration. I was not my parents' favorite and it started when I was a kid. They neglected me for blaming me on an accident that happened in the past. They would abuse me, physically, verbally, and mentally. They also fight everyday. No make that: every single damn day, since the accident. I don't even know why they married each other when all they do is argue. But others say it's normal because they're both lawyers. But for me, who hopelessly hopes for a happy family, it isn't. But I got used to it, and they already separated so I don't question them, even if they never gave me a single penny for a living, and a word. I should have learned from their broken relationship, so right now, I am doing everything to make things between Romeo and I perfectly fine.

I still have more than enough time until I start preparing for school. This has been my morning routine since I moved to my aunt's flat here in London. I don't know. Better opportunities, I guess? I am studying, and I am hired to tutor Mrs. Tianne King's daughter, Heaven. And also, I don't want those nightmares that I left in Los Angeles hunt me again. I am soon getting Ethan to live with me here in London as soon as I make enough money.

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