4. Joelle

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Partners in Crime


This is what you get when you unexpectedly get pulled into a meet and greet by your friend who also happens to be a fan of Sean Lew. This is what you get when fate unfortunately takes you to an old friend named Sean Lew. This is what you get when you see Romeo visit Maddie on this fucking meet and greet and then escaping the place to avoid them seeing you and cry, then gets followed by Sean Lew. This is what you get when you stupidly tell almost half of your love story to Sean Lew. This is what you get when you get heart broken, then tell everything what happened to Sean Lew. This is what you get when some stupid idea was made by Sean Lew. This is what happens when you get too much credit from Sean Lew. This is what you get when you're getting too much help without asking from Sean Lew. This is what you get when you feel like guilty of everything, made for you by Sean Lew. This is what you get when you're attacked too much, by guilt, of getting comforted by Sean Lew. This is what you get when there was a "surprise" scandalous proposal by Sean Lew. This is what you get when you desperately agree on the rubbish plans of a brilliant Sean Lew. This is what you get when you have a best friend in Los Angeles who has a huge crush on Sean Lew.

Right now, I am with Sean because he helped me and my aunt get an apartment where we can live in here in Los Angeles. "Calm the fuck down, Abi. We're already in Los Angeles." I told her and the next thing that happened?

She paused. "YOU'RE ALREADY HERE?????" She squealed and then cleared her throat. "Well, where are you? Are you with Sean?" She asked me.

"Yes, Abi. He's with me." I looked at him and he looked at me. "And we're just settling things because we're getting an apartment that Los Angeles Strikers is giving me." I told her and scratched the back of my head. I haven't told my best friend about what's the real score between me and Sean. I will tell her soon but, maybe right now isn't the perfect time. All that she knows is that me and Sean started being something since that day we landed here in Los Angeles. Before ending the call, I promised to see and catch up with Abigail, now that we can see each other more.

And speaking of Los Angeles, it's good to be back.

The breeze, the warm weather, the environment, the atmosphere, and everything. When it came to me that I'll be moving back here, I thought to myself that this should serve as a restart for me, to make everything fine in my life starting now. I finally decided and made up my mind that I will not give up. Not now, never. Because there's this person who made me realized how beautiful life can be, how amazing this whole life ahead of me is. You know that realization when you think of the past that you can't change anymore, so I thought, why am I letting the past change me.

Walking with Sean, we left my aunt in the apartment because she said she's just going to settle all of our things and let me hang out and chill for a while since I need to get familiarized with the city again. "Elle?" He called me and then I looked at him. "Are you hungry?" He asked me and I just hummed and then shook my head no.

He chuckled. "Really? You passed breakfast and you haven't eaten since dinner." He told and that's when I remembered last night. Sean invited me to dinner in his house, with his family. Gladly, they still remember me, especially his sisters because we were really close when we're younger. And I was thankful that they accepted me as a 'perfect girlfriend' for Sean. For at least, we'll not have any problems with his family. I admired his parents, and his family because they understand and they're perfect. I wish I had a family like his. And during the dinner, I didn't eat that much because they would tease me and Sean together. If they only knew. And yes, no one really knew Sean and I's secret for we wanted to keep it to ourselves.

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