15. Joelle

425 18 45

Conflicted Feelings

"Seven seconds left on the shot as Morris takes a step back and goes for the goal!" Breathing heavily, I stepped back and kicked the ball. "And it's a little too strong!" I sighed when the ball went over the goal.

Sometimes, I am really thinking about how I managed to get the ball into the goal during that winning-goal-game when I played for Coach Emma and the U-16 team back then. But I'm glad I did. Because if not, I'd be the reason why we lost.

"Don't kick like that." Someone said.

Shit. Kill me now. Why does that newcomer have to use that line? Why does it have to similar like the one that? Oh please, I'm already happy and fine for Pete's sake. I turned to look at the person and I had to blink a lot of times just to see if I wasn't imaging things. Because I feel like I'm just day dreaming! What is he doing here anyway?

"You're doing it wrong. You won't be able to shoot a goal by doing that." He told me.

Scoffing, I sarcastically smiled. "Why should I listen to you?" I ended up responding to him with an edge on my voice. "You don't even shoot outside the penalty area, or even the penalty arc." I whispered to myself.


Crossing my arms, I looked away. "What are you doing here anyway? You shouldn't be here because you'll only end up getting mobbed." I said.

Then he picked up the ball. "Am I not allowed to be here?" He challenged. "You're not with Los Angeles Strikers, or even practicing that much, so I can play." He told me.

"Do whatever you want, Romeo." I grumbled and turned my back at him. "This half field is mine, don't bother me." I told him.

It's not that I wanted to be cold at him, but I guess it's my defense mechanism. I'll be the one who'll push him away so that he won't be able to hurt me anymore. Because even if it still hurts, a little bit, I'll build around me when it comes to him. Because that's the only way I knew so that he won't be able to hurt me again.

Romeo sighed. "That's boring." He whined and rolled my eyes and just minded my own business. "Why are you so cold to me? Whenever I see you with your friends, or Sean, you're smiling, and laughing. But on me, you wouldn't even dare land your eyes even on my hands or something." He said and I stopped what I was doing and deeply breathed.

Why are you so cold to me? Isn't it obvious? Why would I bother being okay and friendly to him after everything that he has done to me. I may sound bitter but whatever, he's a douche bag anyway. I just shook my head.

He remained silent after that and I didn't answer him because I don't want to start any sort of conversation with him.

I just kicked and shot from different spots in the perimeter. I'm not talking or even giving an eye on him even if I can see him in my peripheral vision that he's watching me. I had to stop myself from cussing when I kicked and shot the ball when it bounced off near to where he was. "Ball." I plainly said as Romeo picked it up, and I thought he was going to give it to me.

But he spoke. "But first, one-on-one." He said.

I sensed that he was uncomfortable when he asked me that. "Ball, Romeo." He walked towards me.

"First to three." He said.

"If you want to play, look for someone else. Don't bother me, give me the ball." I told him.

"There's still more balls on the rack, but I know you wouldn't get them." He smirked.

"Glad you know it, so give it to me." I said firmly.

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