Chapter 1: New 'Boy Friends'?

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Chapter 1: New 'Boy Friends'?


I prop my head on one hand as I stare outside the window overlooking the wide school grounds. I am still the only person in this silent classroom. I guess I got here too early. I am just used to my usual routine in going to Royalce Elite University; that school has a very early attendance time, so in order to maintain my status it became my habit to always be early in going to school.

"Hi," a masculine voice interrupts my peaceful meditation. Thinking that I am still the only person inside the room, I do not expect someone to just appear and address me.

I look straight into the black eyes of the guy who approached me. He is smiling at me while running a hand through his jet black hair. He's probably a classmate I suppose.

"You new here? I haven't seen you before," he asks, quite amused.

I give him a bored stare.

"I'm Tristan Crain by the way." He winks at me while extending his hand. This guy's really persistent.

I roll my eyes and smirk. "August Orielle Linden." I nod, not minding his outstretched hand.

His eyes widen for a moment at my remark and he withdraws his hand; maybe he realizes that I'm not going to give him a handshake. He clears his throat. "So what brought you to this school?"

He seems to do his best just to engage in a conversation with me. I may look bored and uninterested... Well, I truly am bored and uninterested.

"My darn school assigned me here," I snap.

"What school?" He raises an eyebrow.

"Royalce Elite University," I answer him nonchalantly.

"What? Royalce Elite University? Are you kidding me?" His eyes seem to pop out from their sockets.

"Are you deaf or something? You heard me. Yeah, that school." I sigh.

"Woah! So you're one of those Royalce Elite geniuses who get assigned to different schools during their senior year?"

"Unluckily, yes."

"I heard being a Royalce genius is hell hard especially that Royalce Elite University has difficult subjects. It's even hard to enroll in that school; not only because of the expensive tuition fee, but also because of the very hard entrance examinations. Why does it seem so unimportant to you? Many would give anything just to become a Royalce Elite student, even more a Royalce Elite genius."

"It's just usual for me." Well yeah, it's true. So what? It's effortless on my part.

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