Prologue: The Enigma

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She Acts Like a Dude

Prologue: The Enigma


I am sitting on a chair at the back of my new classroom with my black backpack on the desk in front of me. Despite the air conditioning, new desks, and squeaky clean floors and shelves, the room isn't exactly new if you consider the rust on the metal bars of the windows, the irremovable scratches on the blackboard and the few cobwebs that stuck to the white walls and ceiling. Actually, it's my first day in another school, so everything here is still new to me.

My family didn't move to a new town, city or some other place. It's not because of financial reasons either especially because my family owns the biggest company chain in the world. We're that rich. Particularly, my parents are that rich.

So why am I in a new school? Well, simply because I studied in a very prestigious one, Royalce Elite University. Actually, studied is not the right term because I am still a Royalce Elite student even though I'm going to study in another school. This may be confusing, but I'm studying at two different schools at the same time. How is that even possible, right?

On the contrary, it's very possible when you're a consistent class topper at Royalce Elite University. And in my case, it's exactly the same situation; I'm Royalce Elite University's consistent top student. The university has some kind of policy that students who always excel in their class will be spending their senior year in other schools to test their multiple intelligence and consistency. The chosen schools will give reports and feedback about those students to Royalce Elite University.

I unfortunately ended up in Grindes Institute, so I am here in my assigned school. If I am to choose, this will be the last school on my list. It's not because the school has a bad reputation or such. In fact, this school is second to Royalce EIite University in terms of popularity, teaching competence, and facilities. My reason for not wanting to be in this school is because the guy who changed me to who I am now is studying here...

The guy who made my heart a stone.


August's photo is on the 'Media' section. She is portrayed by Tiffany Alvord.

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