Chapter 9: Breaking Bonds

Start from the beginning

"Apart from the times when you were happy." I countered.

"And when was that?" She grew loud, attracting some stares. "Because whenever I think of something happy in my past, something painful comes with it!  The times on Lothal when you were recovering?  Nope, because you ripped me off my planet, teased me with the fact of a new life and a clean slate, and then to throw me off the ship and into unknown territory.  The times when E- I knew someone else.  Nope, they're dead!  No, it's easier just to shut them out." She scowled and turned away.

"Just... please.  I came against what my master wanted.  I came to find you.  I screwed up I know, but I'm trying to make it up.  And if you won't do it for me, then do it for yourself.  You can have a roof over your head."

She was silent for a long time.  The tension was so thick that a knife couldn't have cut it.  Finally she looked up, but didn't meet my eyes.

"I could start afresh here. I wouldn't have to think about feelings anymore. I could go back to being Uria again." She said quietly. "I know that you know what it's like to be alone. Sometimes, it's just for the best."

"And sometimes, it's for the worse. Truthfully, I think you know that the Rebellion is your best bet. Say what you want about us, we protect our own. The Empire wouldn't be able to get to you." I said softly.

She sat down on a crate and ran a hand down her face. "This is madness." Azulia muttered to herself. "I wish you weren't, but you're right. The Rebellion is the safest place for me right now. But I am not, doing this for you Bridger. Don't get it into your head that I am."

I nodded and gestured for her to follow without speaking any more.  I could destroy whatever bond was left between us.  Walking in silence all the way back to the Ghost and even then, we didn't talk.  I'd messed up big time.  Kanan was stood waiting on the ramp along with Hera.  He looked at me questioningly, clearly sensing the barrier between us.  I just shook my head as watched Azulia as she ascended the ladder after Hera offered to take her to her temporary quarters.  Kanan turned to me.

"What happened?"


After telling Kanan about both of our arguments, we all gathered in the cockpit for takeoff. Azulia was stood opposite me, propped up against the wall with her arms folded. Her cloak swept the floor but the hood was pulled back.  Her gaze remained solely fixed out the front window.

"So, what would you like to do in the rebellion?" Hera asked, no doubt trying to break the tension that hung in the air like smoke. 

"Whatever I can.  I know some stuff about mechanics and tech.  Tricks of the trade and all that." Azulia replied, her tone even.  But it was the sort of even where it sounded as if it was about to snap at any second.  "Just not missions.  I need to lay low for a while."

"I'm sure that we can find you a place." Hera stopped adjusting various controls and turned to smile at Azulia.  She didn't smile back.

She turned to the crew as a whole.  "So why the sudden change of heart?  Not being funny, but you were all ready to ditch me not long ago." She said bluntly.  My eyes snapped up to her. 


"It's fine Ezra.  We believe that we may have been a bit... hasty.  Our job is to help, not to ditch.  We're sorry that we didn't see that before." Kanan amended before my runaway tongue ruined what civilness remained between us.

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