Dry to Wet

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We've been walking on the rode since...I don't know. Forever. But we're all tired and thirsty.  It summer I'm pretty sure because I am really really thirsty. Uhhhh.

"How much longer do we have?"  I heard Maggie ask Sasha.

"About three days left of food."  Sasha said.

"I wasn't talking about that."  Maggie said, ah.

We came to a bridge and saw walkers come out.

"Go slowly. Take them out."  Rick said and we started doing that till Sasha started going crazy.

"Stop!"  Michonne went to her.

"Stop!"  She said again then pulled her away.

"I said stop."  They did an intense glare and I felt someone take my hand.

"Hey. You okay?"  It was Carl and I nodded.

"Lets go."  Rick spoke and we followed. We sat down underneath a tree and I was literally dying.

I was talking with Carl when all of a sudden we heard growling and saw dogs growling at us.  Carl held me closer to him and then shots went off, making the dogs whine then they fell. I looked over and saw Sasha.

Dang girl.

We cooked the doggies and ate them...weird.  After we were done eating we were talking when we heard thunder and stood up. All of a sudden it started pouring rain.

"Ya!"  I shouted.

"Get the water bottles fill them up."  We took them and put them on the ground. I felt an arm on my waist and saw Carl.

"Hey what ar-". I didn't finish because his lips connected to mine.

"Hey!  Notebook scene going on over there!"  I heard my sister say and we pulled apart.

"It's going to attract walkers."  Glenn said.

"Hey!"  Daryl shouted.

"There's a barn up ahead!"  We ran to the barn and I sat down next to Carl and looked over seeing Caroline giggling with Noah.

"Well I have to say that has been my first shower in a long time."  I said making him laugh.


"Everyone get some rest!"  Rick said and I laid down and closed my eyes.

"3 new messages. Message 1, left at 5:43pm

Hey Sandra this is Diane. We're still in Savanna, Ed had an incident with some crazy guy near the hotel so we had to get him back to the ER and had to get it checked out. Anyways he's not feeling well to drive back tonight, thanks so much for looking after Clementine and we will be back before your Spring Break.

Message 2, left at 11:19pm

Oh my god finally I-I dint know if you tried to reach us, all the calls are getting dropped.  They're not letting us leave and they aren't telling us anything about Atlanta.  Please. Please get out of the city and take Clementine with back to Marita. I have to get back to the hospital.  Please let me know you're safe.

Message 3, left at 6:31am

Clementine baby, if you can hear this, call the police, it's 911, we love you, we love you, we love y-"


My eyes flew open and saw everyone was trying to keep the door shut.  I got over there and started helping them.  After awhile it stopped and we fell asleep once more near the entrance.

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