Goodbye My Friend

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We went back to the church since the walkers were gone when we saw Abraham and everyone else come back.

"You're back." Michonne hugged Maggie.

"There's no cure." I looked at Maggie shocked and went up.

"What do you mean?" She looked at me.

"Eugene lied. He's not a scientist."

Michonne then looked at Maggie.

"We got some word. Beth is alive. Daryl told us." Maggie put a hand on her head and smiled.

"Oh thank god."

I was walking besides Carl when we were walking to the hospital.

"Are you excited?" I asked Carl and he looked at me.

"What?  Seeing Beth again?" I nodded.

"Yes. I met them that time I got shot." I smiled.

"That was a while back." He smiled too

"It was." He laughed a bit.

"Come on you love birds." Michonne turned to us and my sister smiled.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Michonne." Carl said sarcastically.

Michonne and Caroline turned back around while Carl grabbed my hand and held it while we continued to walk.

"In my first group I saw many people die." Carl all of a sudden brought up.

"Did you?" I looked at him then the ground.



"Is it dead?"

"I think so." Lee said.


"I'm sorry dad." He gasped.

"I..I" dead.

"Doug get over here!"

"AHHHH! Help!" Doug screamed getting grabbed by walkers.


"Lee let's just have a nice meal." Larry came then we heard thumps.

"Help." Mark had a leg missing.

"What the he'll?"


"Come on dad. Lee help." Lily cried out.

"Lee he's going to turn. He's dead." Kenny came up and then dropped a brick on his head.



"You know. Deep down you are just a scared little girl."

"That's it I had enough of you Carly." Lily spoke.

"Alright what is the problem?" Kenny came then BAM! Gunshot in her head.

Duck & Kat.

"Kat. Why. Why?" Kenny cried out.

"She couldn't handle Duck going." Kenny then looked at Duck.

"Kenny. I'll do it." Lee came and held the gun to Duck. BAM!



"I. I didn't mean too." BAM!

"Omid. No." Christa cradled him.


"Don't worry Luke. I'm going to do it nice and easy.


Luke falls in the ice.



"Now you take care of Alvin you here?"

"Please don't leave me again."

"It's alright. I get to see Kat and Duck again."


"Ya. I saw many people I cared about die. But one got me the most."  Carl looked at me.

"Lee?" I nodded my head.



"You're going to have to shoot me sweet pea."

"No. You'll be ok." 

"Listen Clem. You are strong. You'll get through this world. I need to tell you something..."  He paused.

"Wh-what is it?"

"I'll miss you."'

"I'll miss you too." BAM!


"I'm sorry." He said.

"Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for."

We walked in front of the hospital and waited for them to come out and they finally did but then we saw Daryl caring Beth out.

"Beth!" Maggie screamed and fell while Glenn went next to her.

"Oh. My. God." I heard my sister say even though she never met her.

"Why do all of my friends keep dying?" I mumbled. 

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