Nightmares are my Memorys

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"Please get up Lee. Please try."

"I...I can't sweet pea. This is it. I can't go any further."

I went and got the keys from the walker cop.
"Come on Lee. The exit is right there." I begged. My eyes filling with tears.

"I can't Clem. This is it for me. Just remember...don't trust anybody."

"But. But. I can't just leave you."

"You. Have to shoot me. I can't become one of them."

"Noo. No. Please Lee."

"It's ok Clem. I had to do the same thing with my brother when he was one of them. At the pharmacy. You can do it."

I raise my gun with tears in my eyes.

"I'll miss you." Less voice said softly.

"I'll miss you too."



I shot up right out of bed trying to catch my breath. That's another dream I had of Lee. But it seems like there getting worse. That night. Was the worst thing in my life. I decided to walk around. I can't sleep anymore. I got out of my cell and started to walk when someone touched my shoulder. I jumped and saw that it was Rick.

"Clem. What are you doing up?" He seemed tired.

"Sorry. I woke you."

"You didn't. I was up."


"Anyways. Why are you out of bed?

"Couldn't sleep."

"Bad dream?" He asked.

"More like a memory. And a nightmare combined."

"Is this about Lee?" He gave me a "sorry" look.

"Ya." I looked at the ground. "If it wasn't for him. I would be dead."

Rick just nodded and put a hand on my shoulder and we started walking back into the cell block.

"What time is it anyway?" I asked.

"Mmm. About 3 in the morning."

"Oh ok. I better go back to sleep." I started walking away when Rick called my name.

"Clem. Let me tell you something."

I stopped walking and then sat on the other side of the table. Facing him. What does he want to talk about? I'm actually a little nervous.

"I know how you feel about loosing people. I lost my wife as you know. Carls mom. After that. I started seeing her. Thinking she was haunting me. I would get nightmares of the past. It will go away." He reassured me. But I didn't believe it. It's been probably over a year of Lees death. I don't know. I still get them.

"I don't know. It's been a while."

"It just takes time to heal. We'll we better go back to bed."

We got up and started walking back to our cells when I turned to Rick.

"Rick?" He turned around. "Thanks." I smiled and he smiled. I then went into my cell and laid on the bed. I thought of the good times and soon dozed off.

(Sorry short chapter.

QUESTION: Who is your favorite character from TWDG?

ME: Lee & Kenny. Ya too but my question.:)

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