So You're The One

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(I put the music from the game of the credits on here. So you can listen to it while reading. This was one of my favorite songs they played in the credits.)


It's been a couple of weeks and I love everyone. Their funny, nice, protective. But as all good things something bad must happen.

I walked outside and saw that Daryl and Rick were standing under a watch tower.
"What are you guys doing?" I asked curiously.
"We think Glenn and Maggie are up there." Rick replied.
"GLENN! YOU UP THERE?" Daryl yells up. Soon enough the door opens and Glenn ones out without a shirt. (I know this was in the next season but I decided to do it early.)

My mouth flings open and then a pair of hands covers my eyes. Daryl's hands.
"Glenn. Really? We have a kid here." Daryl says to him.
"Oh. Uh. Sorry. I will be out." I then hear the door close and Daryl's hands move off.
"I'm not a kid." I turn to him and give him my look. (You guys know. That look she gives. Her signature look.)

I then hear Rick laugh. Then Daryl smirk.
"Thanks for covering my eyes though." I smiled then walked past him until I heard the two words I never wanted to hear out of someone else's mouth.
"No problem...sweet pea." That voice belonged to Daryl. I stopped in my spot and didn't look at him.
"Don't say that to me ever again." My voice wasn't harsh, and a little soft. I then continued to walk back to the prison.


I thought that was weird. She got so offended by that.
"I think someone said that to her in her past." Rick said.
"Ya. Probably." With that we heard the tower door open and Glenn came out.
"Next time. Wait till you have a shirt on." I told him.
"Ya. At least you did something." Glenn looked at me.
"Stop looking at me Glenn." He then laughes.


Rick, Daryl, Glenn, and Maggie come in and we were all eating food when Rick went outside and Hershel followed him.
Something has been off with Rick. I don't know what it is. And to be honest I really don't want to know.
We then hear firing going off.
"What the?" I jumped.
"Get the guns. Now!" Daryl yelled grabbing his crossbow.
I went outside and hid behind a wall and saw cars outside. Then one went and knocked down the fence. I saw Carl near me and yelled to him.
"I KNOW. I THINK GLENN IS TAKING CARE OF IT. JUST STAY DOWN!" He yelled back through the gun fire.

I look over and see...the governor. He was on the truck just wasting bullets then left. I knew I shouldn't of been doing this but I went near the field where that one car pulled in. The driver was dead but then the doors went down. Walkers then spilled out.

"CLEM! GET OUT OF THERE!" I hear Michonne yell.
I then fire at walkers that come close to me then run back up.
I saw Michonne grab Hershel and Glenn drives a car and helps her put Hershel in the car.

I finally got out of my daze and continued to run when a walker grabs my leg. Knocking my gun away when I hit the ground. I scream when it's teeth was getting closer to my ankle.
This is it. I'm going to die. That's ok though. I'm going to see my parents again. I'm going to see Lee, Kenny, Kat, Duck, Luck, Crystal, Omid, Sa-. I stop thinking when a large knife goes through his head and falls limp. I look up and see a man.

"Come on girly." He had a southern accent like Daryl. He then grabs my arms and lifts me up. We both start running back to the prison and Beth closes the gate.

"What are you doing back here?" Rick shouts at the man.
"Wow. Slow down. Officer friendly. I just saved this kid here." He points at me.
"I'm not a kid." I murmur too him. He just smirks.
"Ya. Come on Rick without him Clem would be dead." Daryl explains.
"Daryl have you forgotten what Merle had done to us." Glenn speaks.
"He's my brother Glenn and now the governor is after him too." Daryl says back.

Oh so this guy name is Merle and is Daryl's brother. Guessing older. He gives me the creeps. Especially since he worked with the governor.

"Well how did you find us?" Rick asks him.
"Remember I know we're this place is. I saw the governor coming here. Had a feeling you would need my help and look here. You did." He smirks again.
"Alright fine. Get in." Rick agrees and we go inside.

I saw Merle, Maggie,Glenn, and Michonne give each other evil eyes but Merle has that stupid grin on him. He must of done something.
But he is Daryl's brother so I'm ok...but not that ok with it. I need to focus more on the governor. He came here. Knows where we are. I now don't feel safe.

(Hey guys. I'm dying. I need the season 3 of TWDG now. Anyone know when it's coming out? Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Who was excited to see Merle?)

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