Past III: Tough Lessons

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This is going to be about what Naruto learned every day, each tough decision and how he saw everyone. So be prepared because it may change your own point of view in life.

In this part of the past, I wont focus much on the age, just on the message that I want to show you. And in the present time, I'm going to make Naruto be like 18 or 20 years old, due to the time that passed, but if I was going to make him 16 years, then it wouldn't be good in my opinion.

I learned many things throughout the years that it made me wonder, how many people are stupid... And I'll show you what I learned.

Lesson #1
One can always have many friends, but do they know you well? Being alone al the time, is the best thing because you can see and hear the things that many hides behind their backs, they don't have anything to use against you and able to reach out to others that are alone.

Lesson #2
You can reach out and help others that are alone, but they will forget who helped them and abandon you, so they use you and leave you only when needed.

Lesson #3
In this world, it's use or be used, meaning that you don't have much of a choice. If you're a shinobi, then you're being used, but if you're the leader, then you're using others.

Lesson #4
Many are afraid of death, but that means that they're afraid of living. What's then the point of living if you're going to keep living and suffer through it.

Lesson #5
Everything is a live or die situation, animals die to give us meat, shinobi die to protect us, enemy ninjas will come to kill us, so one must be prepared to kill or be killed.

Lesson #6
One can't let something be incomplete, or it will turn out badly and against you. Doesn't matter what's it about, leave it behind and it will backfire.

Lesson #7
We can all dodge many times as we want, but in the end we end up tiring ourselves out and making matters worse.

Lesson #8
No matter how much we can try to teach others, it goes in one ear and out the next, until it's too late for regrets.

People always seen me smile and sometimes they ask while thinking out loud, how can I be smiling while suffered so much? Simple, I always used to think that the next day it could be better, until I met Kurama. Ever since then, I smile for another reason, one that was between a fake and real smile. Everyone knows how Iruka most of the time, used Ramen to bribe me into fixing something that I made, that's what showed me how others can be used with bribery. When I was the teaching Konohamaru, that's what happens to people that I use, I make them do something that I want.

Even when the villagers think that they're not helping me, it's quite the opposite... You see, every action they made, helped me learn and mafe me wiser. I could've blocked and attacked the villagers years ago, but I prefer them not being attention to a dumb boy, than being worried of a smart demon. I'm already powerful as it is, but I haven't done anything because then it would change everything. I don't want Danzo, the village and the council on my neck!

I'll say next what I saw in everyone that I met.

Sakura: Annoying fangirl, gives a kunoichi a bad name, doesn't know anything about being great and being born great. Oh yeah, and a spoiled brat!

Sasuke: Moody, anti-social, little tolerance, doesn't like teamwork... It's long in my opinion that's enougn to say that he's trouble in the future.

Ino: Same as Sakura, at least she has a bit of usefulness than the banshee.

Shikamaru: Can be better, but too lazy to even bother to move a finger and that will kill someone. And doesn't even bother to defend anyone, I wonder why he wants to be a ninja...

Choji: He's too nice and can be bribed easily with food, can get him and others killed. Unless he stops being nice, he can kiss goodbye to his life.

Shino: Too freaking quiet and emotionless! Sure, bugs are his best friend, but he can get others in risk if he doesn't even bother to alert them! He's worse than Shikamaru!

Hinata: Too shy, too nice, doesn't belong in the ninja business, I know that she's a Hyuuga, but I don't think that she's able to stand having to kill.

Kiba: He's almost as bad as Sakura! Too loud, always having fights, short tempered, dumb, a bit of a play-boy... Can't be a ninja if he doesn't stay quiet for himself and his partner.

Kakashi: I know he's a ninja, but being late all the time is bad because it can get someone killed, doesn't pay much attention only to Sasuke and if keeps it up, he could get demoted.

The others, I haven't seen much of them, that's why they're not mentioned. I learned thanks to the rough lessons from the villagers and to avoid being like those who has no intrests in becoming a ninja. Which I am grateful for them teaching the true meaning behind the wall of lies.

Meanwhile outside of Naruto's thoughts (Hehe, you been reading his thoughts the entire time xD Ps Naruto is still a kid here, so that means Sasuke is still in the team)

"Hey sensei, what's up with Naruto? He hasn't moved from there the entire time during training" Said Sakura
"To be honest, Sakura, I don't know" Said Kakashi

Sasuke walks nearby of Naruto and hits him in the head with a chakra filled punch. (And yes I made Sasuke hit Naruto, I wanted a bit of role switch. xD Though... I feel bad for doing that to poor Naru~) Naruto sadly breaks out of his thoughts and winces in pain.

"Ouch! Why did you do that?! I was happy in my thoughts!" Said Naruto while pouting and glaring a bit.
"You?! Please, the only thing that you're made to do is to be obnoxious!" Stated Sakura
Naruto glares at her and releases a tiny bit of KI and says "You know, Sakura... People like you aren't even made to be ninjas! And you give kunoichis a bad name!"

With that Naruto left, Team 7 was shocked, Sakura was furious, and they left to wonder what was the 'dobe' thinking about and why he say that to her.

Sorry if I insulted your favorite characters! And sorry for not posting earlier! I was working on a new story that I'm working together with Wolfena, it's called Triplets Chase and it's in my stories so you can check it out if you want to.

I began school 2 days ago, so another reason why I haven't posted anything yet... So let me say this again...

GOMEN! Forgive me for not posting sooner...

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