Chapter 16

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Evelyn's POV

I slowly looked up to meet a pair of blue eyes.

"Hey, Luke." I said quietly, a little shocked that he was at the same hotel I happened to pick out. Luke raised his eyebrows and scanned the hallway.

"Is Alice with you?" Luke asked with a hint of coldness. I shook my head.

"No, I came here alone." I stated. Luke nodded his head and came closer.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Alice?" Luke shot as the questions ringed in my ear. I looked down at the ground.

"It is kinda hard to explain." I said. Luke sighed and grabbed my arm.

"Come on. You are not staying in a hotel room by yourself." He demanded. I didn't really have the energy to protest against him. I noticed that we went past my hotel room.

"Luke, where is your hotel room?" I asked in a light voice. He stopped and fished in his pockets.

"Right here." He replied. He unlocked the door and let me in first. I stepped in to see three guys stop what they were doing and look at me. I stared at them blankly.

"Um, mate. What is she doing here?" Ashton asked while looking at me.

"Don't tell me Alice is here too?" Michael asked. Luke shook his head at the both of them.

"Rude," He pointed to Ashton. "And no. Alice is not here."

"Then why is she here?" Calum asked in curiosity.

"That, she will explain to us." Luke said with a proud look.

"Well, long story short. Alice and I got into a fight." I stated dumbly. I felt my energy slowly draining from my body.

"Who started it?" Ashton asked.

"Technically I did. I was pissed because she never told me about her and Harry." I said. Luke turned to face me.

"Well, didn't she tell you?" His thick Australian accent ringing through my ears.

"No, I found out by E! News." I answered. Michael looked at me with sympathetic eyes.

"That is the worst possible way." He stated. I nodded in agreement. I went over and sat on one the beds.

"I know." I said. Luke eyed me closely as my body slowly gave into the bed's comfort. I took off my backpack slowly.

"Hey, I think you guys ought to go." Luke said.

"Eve, don't you have your own hotel room?" Michael asked. I raised my head at Michael when he called me 'Eve'. I nodded my head to answer one of the many questions.

"Yeah, but I think she should stay with us tonight." Luke said as he looked at Aston weirdly. Ashton nodded and jumped on the bed next to me.

"Goodnight boys. I am going to bed." Ashton said as he snuggled under the covers. I laid back and sighed. I heard the door shut as the lights went out. he bed sunk next me.

"We should probably go to bed." I heard a deep voice say.

"Luke, shut up. I am trying to sleep." I heard from the other side of the room. I bit my tongue to keep from laughing.

"Well, I am trying to get Eve to sleep." Luke said.

"Shut. Up." I heard a stern voice. Luke crossed his arms and huffed. I decided to mess around with them.

"No." I said in a deep voice. I tried to mock Luke's Australian accent and voice as best as I could. All of a sudden, a pillow was thrown at Luke. Luke shot up and lunged for Ashton that buried under the covers. I kicked off my shoes and got under the covers. After I made my cocoon, I poked a little hole to watch. I looked around to notice that they were gone. I felt like they were coming for me. I let out a squeal and made sure I was covered. I felt weight land on me as I struggled to breath.

"Can't breath." My voice barely coming out. The weight rolled off. I took in a deep breath and let one out. Another weight came crashing down. This time it was heavier. I kicked my legs in the air. Laughter rang in my ears as the weight rolled off. I rolled my eyes.

"You guys are mean." I said trying to sound hurt.

"Whatever." Luke said in a joking way. Ashton's laugh abruptly stopped.

"I am going to sleep." He said. Luke waved him off. I heard Ashton climbed into bed as silence filled the room. I heard a creepy lullaby. I turned my head to Ashton as he continued to sing the creepy lullaby.

"Ashton, that is creepy." I said to him. He started to laugh.

"Sorry, I had to. It was too silent." Ashton said.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" Luke asked.

"Yeah but I can't sleep with your yapping mouth." Ashton said as he closed his eyes.

"Yeah, that's it." Luke mumbled. Ashton's eyes shot open.

"I am back from the dead." He said darkly. I let out a breathy laugh and brought the blankets closer.

"Alright boys, Let's go to sleep." I said to the two boys.

"Yes, mom." Ashton mocked. He closed his eyes and rolled over to his side to where he was no longer facing us instead facing the wall. Luke agreed by laying back and kicking off his shoes. He snuggled under the blankets. I felt an arm snake around and pull me closer.

"I like to cuddle." Luke said cheekily. I rolled my arms and turned so I was facing him.

"Whatever." I said. He smiled and closed his eyes.

"Eve, can I ask you something?" He asked.

"You just did but alright." I said with a smirk.

"How would you like to have found out that Alice and Harry?" He asked. I thought about the question.

"I would have liked to have found out by her telling me when they first got together."

Hey, how was the chapter? Bet you weren't expecting that. Or might have expected that. Anywho vote or comment what you thought of the chapter. It can be negative or positive. Whatever makes you tell us something with your heart. Vote, comment, and follow. I mean, a cannibal won't eat your face off but then I could be wrong.

Smile everyday. Keep on turtling.


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