Dating My Teachers Brother. Part 23

Start from the beginning


"He was actually so pissed off," Lee said walking into Chemistry.

"I know, I've never seen him so annoyed. And I'm one of the ones that went down." He smiled and started walking over to his table.

"I'll talk to you about it at the end." I nodded and walked over to my own table.

"Rachel don't bother sitting down," I looked up at my teacher confused. "Mr Williams wanted you to stay behind but you left before he could tell you." I walked over to Mr Hughes, not really wanting to go. "He sent me an e-mail saying he wants to see you."

"Do I not need to be here this period?" I asked hopefully. He laughed and shook his head.

"No we're just going to go over the homework on mole calculations. And you got them all right so you don't need to be here." I sighed and nodded. "I'm sure its nothing too bad," he said with a sympathetic smile. "Take you stuff just in case you're not back." I nodded before leaving his room. I really don't want him to start having a go at me for dropping in percentage. He was pissed enough without anyone having to say something to him. And I don't know how pissed he's going to be at me for going down in grade. Especially with him tutoring me after school, he always expected me to go up. But in my defence it was a really hard paper.

When I reached his door, I saw some other people in my class there as well. At least I wasn't going to be the only one their. I walked into his room and sat down beside the other people. "So you guys obviously know how annoyed I was at you all last period. But you five disappointed me most. You were all on high B's and A's." He sighed and rolled in front of us on his computer chair. "It wasn't that hard was it? I get that sometimes you're going to go down in grade. But I seriously thought I chose an easy test for everyone." He rested on of his elbows on the arm of the chair, before resting his jaw on his fist. "Honestly guys, was it hard?" Everyone looked at each other before nodding.

"It was pretty hard to be fair. I thought it was the hardest test we've done." One of the guys said to Paul.

"Okay I understand," Paul said nodding. He rolled the chair back over to his desk and grabbed some papers. "So I'm really worried you guys might not get the grades that you want and need. Therefore next week after school on Wednesday, you're all staying with me for an hour." He wheeled his way back over to us and gave the papers to the girl at the end. "Pass them along please. Right so the one next week is compulsory and if you're not there you're going to have to come in at lunch and afterschool. Just get show that to your parents and if you can't come tell me on Monday. But you need a really good excuse in my eyes. If you come next week, I'll be happy with you guys. It'll show me that you guys are trying. Okay?" He sat back in his chair and looked at all of us. "Right guys you should get back to class. Tell everyone else from class about Wednesday. If they want to come along, tell them to come and see me. I'll see you guys on Monday and have a good weekend." Everyone mumbled a response while standing up. "Rachel can I have a word please," he stated rather than asked. I closed my eyes and curse slightly. I turned around and walked back over to Paul. He smiled before looking at the door. Once the last person left and closed the door, he turned to look at me. "What happened Rachel?"He asked sitting back in his chair.

"What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows confused.

"With the test I mean. You were sitting on a really high A, and no you just barely scraped a B." He sighed and leant forwards, resting his elbows on his knees. "Is it all this stuff with Sean? Because it's my fault, and I really don't want you to fail because of it." I ran a hand through my hair as I leant against his desk.

"No it's not that. It was just a really hard paper that's all. That's honestly all that's wrong. I just didn't understand it really." His eyes darted around my face trying to see if I was lying. Once he was satisfied he nodded and smiled slightly.

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