Meeting The Boys

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Niall's Pov 

Tonight was going to be one of the biggest nights of One Direction's career. The boys and I were going to be performing at Madison Square Garden tonight. Louis had invited his girlfriend, Eleanor, and Liam had invited his girlfriend, Danielle, also. I had invited my twin sisters, Annabella and Addilynn.

Tonight was going to be huge. I had been dreaming of this night for such a long time. I was sure the boys were equally as excited. Management and everyone were running around while the boys and I were sitting around waiting for the people we invited to be escorted backstage. I was sitting on one of the chairs that our make-up artist would prepare us for concert in. I spun around while I let my thoughts drift off about being able to see the twins for the first time face-to-face after such a long time.

The twins were ecstatic when I had told them to come and watch us perform. They had always been supportive of me and boys, but had never been properly introduced except for the occasional seeing them in the background when I would Skype with them.

The twins were very much alike in appearance, but totally opposites when it came to personalities. It amazed me how two totally different girls could be related and even twins for that matter! Nonetheless I couldn't ask for better sisters.

They had just turned seventeen a few months ago. They both were identical. Addilynn and Annabella both had beautiful long, silky, blonde hair. Occasionally one of them would curl it so you could tell them apart. Their eyes were a nice shade of blue like mine. A soft shade of blue that made them reflect as if you were staring out at clear blue waters. They did not have pale skin, but a creamy color instead. Their body figures were identical too. They had a figure any boy would love to have in a girl. Of course, I wasn't going to just let any boy have them unless he got my permission first. I would have to approve. 

I was a very protective brother when it came to them. I looked at them as if they would just shatter to pieces if something were to happen. I wouldn't just let their hearts get broken. I was not going to just let any old boy have their heart and then play with it like it was some kind of toy. Never in my life would I wish for that to happen. If they were going to be around me then I was definitely going to be protective. I sound a lot like a dad, but I can't help it. They were my baby sisters. Granted, the two were only about a year and a half younger than me.

So back to the twins' appearances, Annabella was more of the party one. She could be crazy and wild all she wanted. She didn't really care what others thought about her. She was young, wild, and free. She lived by the phrase of "You Only Live Once". She took chances, and lived her life; although, she would get into some trouble because of that train of thought too.

Addilynn was the shy one. You could see it in her eyes how she was distant. It was always more comfortable for her to be away from people at times. She needed her space and people accepted that. She wasn't much to opening up right away for just anyone. You would have to get to know her first. Understand why she is the way she is. Addilynn had a big heart. She cared about anything and everything. She was also the gentle type, who was always making sure she wasn't too crazy or wild. She was the exact opposite of Annabella.  

I was knocked out of my thought process when two girls came rushing to me and wrapping their arms around me. I smiled wide. I missed them so much. They smelled heavily of the scents pomegranate and strawberries. I guessed Annabella wore the pomegranate scent and Addilynn the strawberry. I wrapped my arms around them in a tight hug taking in the moment. They pulled away and looked at me with smiles on their faces.

Addilynn was wearing a white t-shirt with a long sleeve grey sweater over it. It was the early spring after all. She also had a regular pair of skinny jeans to go with it. She wore a peach colored scarf around her neck with peach colored feather earrings to match. She had on two inch matching high heels also. She had on a small pink and grey watch on her left wrist to add to her accessories.

Annabella was wearing black skinny jeans, a baby blue button-up spaghetti strap shirt with a black coat over it, and some jeweled flip flops. I guess to tie the outfit together she added some owl earrings and a white purse with it.

"How was your flight and ride here?" I asked wondering how the limo I had sent for them to be picked up at the airport was.  

"It was amazing. We had music playing loud through the speakers and the sunroof was open!" Annabella grinned widely at me.

Addilynn stood looking at me with a thoughtful look on her face. "We've really been missing you, Niall."

"I have missed you both tons also. I've just been so caught up with the band and concerts." I sighed.

"We know. But we are here now!" Annabella shrugged.

"So how are you?" Addilynn asked me.

"I've been doing great. The band is really progressing. I mean look at us now, we're performing at MSG!" I said unbelievably.

"It's unbelievable, Niall. You have really come so far." Addilynn swayed back and forth slowly.

"Yeah. I have no idea where I would be if I hadn't tried out for The X Factor. I owe it to you two for convincing me to try out. I still think you two should go on. You both have lovely voices." I was right; my sisters both had amazing talent like me when it came to singing.

They both smiled at me and nodded.

"How would you both like to meet the other boys finally?" I hopped up from the chair.

"I've been dieing to meet them!" Annabella said.

I nodded and lead them over to where the boys were at talking about where they were going to be standing and everything. We rehearsed earlier, but I guess they just felt the need to get their nerves settled down a bit by going over it again in their heads. I was extremely nervous, but I was just getting caught up in the excitement of seeing my sisters after so long. It had nearly been around five months since I saw them last.  

"Lads, this is Addilynn," I pointed to Addilynn. "and this is Annabella." I pointed to my other sister.

"Hi Addilynn and Annabella!" Louis piped up happily.

"Ello, loves." Harry gave both of them a wink and I glared at him.

"Nice to meet you." Zayn gave them a nod.

"It's a pleasure." Liam shook both their hands.

Addilynn smiled shyly at all of them and gave them a polite, but small wave. She still swayed back and forth on her feet. I couldn't quite tell if she was nervous or if she was just being her shy self.

Annabella bounced slightly up and down on the tips of her feet. "It's nice meeting all of you." She stopped bouncing and crossed her arms smiling at all of them.

Twin Rivalry(A One Direction Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя