The Jedi Order

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Rey, Finn, Maz, Chewie & Luke were in the Falcon, as Maz directed Rey and Chewie as they piloted the ship.
"Maz, tell me where we're going." Said Luke impatiently, beginning to become restless at being kept in the dark about the situation. Finn felt sympathetic for Luke; Rey and Chewie did not tell him they were going to visit Maz on their previous trip.
"Master Skywalker all will be revealed soon. Do not worry. What you will soon see will give you hope." She said, in an airy way.
"With all due respect, I really doubt that." Responded Luke, as he exited the cockpit alone.
Keeping her voice down, Rey whispered to Maz, "Are you sure this is going to work? Whatever you have planned will have to be good...because just look at him, he's so defeated and lost."
"Rey my dear girl, I promise you this is the best hope we have. If this does not persuade him, then nothing will." At these words Rey trusted Maz, she was seemingly correct about most things, and so wise.
"At least tell us which planet we're going to, please." Begged Finn. Chewie roared with agreement at Finn's request.
"Ok ok..." Said Maz. "But please, keep your voices down, if Luke finds out where we're going then he will not agree to go there." Taking a deep inhale she revealed the location in which they were heading; "Coruscant."
"CORUSCANT?!" Exclaimed Finn.
"What's did you say?" Came a call from Luke.
"N-nothing Master Skywalker. Chewie umm....accidentally bit me." Finn shouted back. Chewie moaned, but Finn brushed him off.
"Yes, Coruscant." Said Maz sternly. Rey then interjected.
"But Maz, surely if we go there something bad will happen. It was the home of the old government AND Jedi Temple. I heard it was flattened by bombs and rockets by the Empire."
"Rey, I assure you, the city is safe. It's not however what it used to be. You may have seen past pictures of the City, in its prime, however now the once prominent city with its huge buildings and undeniable grandeur, is essentially destroyed. The only buildings remaining in sufficient condition, are the old home of the Galactic Senate, and the old Jedi Temple. Here and there are collapsed walls and unsafe areas, but overall, we should be fine."
"So why are we going here?" Asked Rey.
"You need to learn patience Rey. You will see. Like I me." Said Maz with authority. Rey knew not to persist anymore.

As the Falcon approached Coruscant, Luke made his way back into the cockpit. He glanced out at the scenery in front of him. His face was half in disbelief, and half petrified. He had never seen Coruscant in the flesh, only in pictures.
" this Coruscant?" Asked Luke, perplexed at what was going through Maz's mind as she was bringing them here. Maz nodded to him.
"W-we can't be here. The First Order will know to keep tabs on the Jedi Temple, how stupid can you be!? Turn this ship around." Said Luke breathlessly.
"Luke calm yourself. The First Order have not step foot here for many many years. I've never once experienced any sort of problem in all of the times I have come here." Explained Maz.
"What do you mean 'all the times you've come here'? How many times?" Luke asked, still very puzzled.
"How many times? Let me think... Hmm... Let's just say I'm a regular visitor." Said Maz, "Land the ship just over there." Continued Maz, pointing towards a clear space.

The city of Coruscant was essentially submersed in the rubble of the demolished buildings that once stood prominently. Coruscant was not just the name of the city, it was the name of the planet. The city covered the entirety of the planet, and it was once the home of the Galactic Republic, and in the time of the Empire, it was branded as the Imperial Centre, until the Empire decided that the planet held remnants of the Jedi, and had to be destroyed. In the past the planet was the navigational centre of the galaxy, as its hyperspace coordinates were (0,0). Due to its location and formally around 1 trillion sentients, the galaxy's main trade routes - the Perlemian Trade Route, Hydian Way, Corellian Run and the Corellian Trade Spine ran through Coruscant, which made it the richest and most influential planet in the entire galaxy. The Galactic Standard Calender was and still is the standard measurement of time in the Galaxy, and that also centred on this planet. However the rubble, debris, wreckage and ruin which spread across this once illustrious place made all of those facts and figures seem like something merely make-believe.

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