Kit and Percy: What Rick Riordan Never Told You

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  • Dedicated to our ToDdLeRs

Disclaimer: we do not own any of Percy Jackson. :)


"Wow, how do you do it I mean really 8 minutes!? That's insane. Most people would be dead!" Kasey says amazed at me.

"I just love being in the water." I say happily

"Hey, when is your brother going to pick you up?"

"Oh CRAP!!!!! I was supposed to meet him outside 10 minutes ago! Sorry I have to go!"

"Wait I have to give you something!"

Kasey hands me a note.

"Ok thanks." I say taking the note and putting it in my bag.

"Ok see you tomorrow Kit!!"

"OK!!" I yell as I put on a shirt over my bathing suit, and run out the door.

"Hey Perce." I say climbing into the front seat of my brother's black truck.

"You're late." Percy says starting the car.

"Sorry, lost track of time."

"Well next time where a watch."

"I was underwater, and I wouldn't be able to read it anyway."

"Hey, Kitty I'm sorry."

"I think my dyslexia gotten worse."

"Mine too, we will be ok."

"Are you just saying that because we're not?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you are my brother and you don't know the future."

"Well, I know we will be ok."

"Percy Jackson, fortune teller." I say laughing at my brother.

"And his beautiful assistant Little Kitty Jackson, horns hold up her halo." Percy says jokingly.

"Wow, nice."

"Hey I got to do that I am you brother."

"More like my baboon."

"Nice. Hey, look where we are."

"Oh my gosh, we're at the closed swimming pool about two miles away from our house in the wrong direction."

"Well, you are going to like the closed pool. I hear the pool is heated. And I know some people."

"You're joking we get to swim in there, alone, really?"

"Really. Now get out of the car." He says happily.

"Wait, what do you want?"

"What can't a brother do something nice for his sister without wanting anything in return?"

"No, what is it?"

"Well, I needed some help with the job I have to do and you are the only one that can help me."

"I still get to be in the water right?"

"Oh, yea that is part of the job. We have to find the stuff at the bottom of the pool."

"Cool let's do it."


"Yea, come on, get out of the car."

After we got out of the car and go into the SwimmingCenter's main lobby we are greeted by the owner.

"Thank you guys for coming down. The pool is this way, follow me." The owner says leading us to a huge pool in the middle of the swimming center. "Have fun and after you are done you can stay for a while and just swim for free."

Kit and Percy: What Rick Riordan Never Told YouWhere stories live. Discover now