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A/N: This is going to be the last chapter for this story. It will be short. But I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who read until this part. I hope you enjoyed it. 


 Everything went back to normal, Ciel and Sebastian went to hell and back to earth every now and then. Sebastian was still the most feared in the underworld. Crevan has proven himself to be worthy so he was accepted into the household although Ciel refuses to acknowledge him still, making the professor sad. But he adored the child. He became protective of him as well. But he knew one thing for sure, the relationship of two will still have to face a lot, but he will be there to extend help. His guard dog Pluto who is also a professor in school, came into the open which shocked Ciel. He never even thought that there were demons as professors in the university. No wonder Pluto was asking him before about the Prince of Hell. Demons are really cunning , Ciel thought. Well who said they weren't in the first place? He was with having his morning tea with Sebastian in the garden of Sebastian's palace. It still confused him how demons knew what time of day was it. Although it's really different down in the underworld. Time seems to be running faster than above earth, like one day is like a year below. 

 Sebastian was happy, he didn't took Ciel's soul, but he had his heart. He loved the kid to the core. Yes he is rotten to the core, but he has his soft side. The heart of which he had come to love.. No matter how evil his thoughts were, his heart was pure. Don't ask why he said that, he can see it as clear as daylight. Ciel knows how to care and he is kind even if he had suffered a great deal in life. That is the main reason why he, the Prince of Hell is drawn to him. His eyes of blue like the clear sky,how he love staring at those. Ciel wont be dying anymore, he has turned into a demon.. An immortal like him. Things were never dull when his beloved came. Every single day was something that he looked forward too. His household although small in number, he see that everyone is happy. Everyone in here have their own nightmares during their life on earth, they suffered a great deal. Their once happy gloomy faces were different now. They have learned to smile and even laugh heartily. Mey~Rin, Baldroy, Finnian ; those three are always around his beloved. Watching over him. Everyone in his house seem to be loving his beloved and are very protective over him. He knew very well that there will still be hardships to overcome, but right now - the present is what is most important. He is the devil himself but all because of this young man whom he was obsessed so much -- he can't believed he did a 360 turn. He was completely different from what he was before. It's undeniable, he is still as merciless as before but his rage is somewhat different when he is dealing with an enemy. It may be because he has someone to protect now.. Hmm, devils too fall in love .. hard and strong..

Ciel on the other hand was holding Sebastian too close to his heart. He is unmistakably obsessed with him. He never knew that his very own imaginary friend would turn out to be his life mate, nor does he think that he will become immortal and a demon for that matter. He never thought as well that he possessed something to make the Prince of Hell fall for him. But what surprised him the most is that he falls in love strongly for a demon -- much more towards a man.. Well it's not like that it bothered him, it's just that he never knew that he could something like love.. Because all he knew in his entirely life was anger, bitterness, sorrow and pain. He never though that he would be loved in return, so much that it's somehow making him drown.. That he can be this happy, fulfilled, secured and protected.. All because of the demon he came to  love. They comprehend too much to each other that even in silence they know what the other was thinking.. He like how they can do just that. Telling what the other is feeling and thinking without saying anything.. It's wicked and it amused the young man. No matter how much he tried to get used to the feeling, it's still come off as something new to him.. Just like the first time they met. He sends out a warm feeling to his partner and was returned with the same feeling. Ciel smiled at the thought. His heart feeling warm, though he wondered if it's even still there --his heart.. Maybe it is.. well, he never really cared as long as he has eternity with the love of his life. 

MY GUARDIAN FROM HELL        (Sebastian x Ciel) ~completed~Where stories live. Discover now