The woman before me allowed her happy expression to compose. It was at that moment that I knew I recovered from my open floodgate of a mouth.

“Moving on, if you don’t mind. Tell me about Prince Daniel Weber and your dear friend, Rosia Minglewood. I hear they called it quits for the twelfth time in ten months. Making it a total of one hundred and two times in the past five years.”

I tried not to smile because that was Daniel and Rosia for you. They could never decide if they were going to be together or not. “I don’t engage myself in my friends’ relationships,” I told with falsehood leaking in my voice.

She knew I wasn’t telling the truth, but didn’t press on. "How are your other two friends that cameras have caught you hanging out with?"

"Oh, Piper and Kelly?" Knowing that is what she was talking about, I continued. "They are fine, just fine."

"Lovely! ... So, rumor has it that Sebastian proposed to you two nights ago at the Wishbone restaurant.”

I wanted to mentally hit myself over the head because in my mind I had been calling Sebastian my boyfriend. Yet, the reporter was right, Sebastian did propose. He was now my fiancé, not my boyfriend. “He did,” I bluntly replied to her.

She gasped and I knew that now she had truly found the story of the century. “Well, ladies and gentleman, you have heard it from here at Channel 5. Sebastian Crow and Skyla Ruth are officially engaged!”

With a sigh, I realized she was right. I was engaged and also not suppose to say that. Face-palming myself I remembered Sebastian wanted to come out and announce it to the press, together.

My eyes nervously danced around to see if Sebastian was here. Right before I got on air he told me that he was seconds from walking in the door of the studio. Looking for a disappointed face, I frowned slightly.

In the end I didn’t find a disappointing face, instead I found a neutral one.

Sebastian and I locked eyes and I mouth ‘oops’.

He gave a short wave and shrugged his shoulders showing me that it was okay.

I relaxed and smiled brightly ...  man, I sure hope he acts that chill when I tell him I’m pregnant.

“Excuse me?” The reporter said with a wide smile. “You’re pregnant?”

Oh dear golly, please tell me I did not say that out loud. Looking around me at all the shocked faces, I realized I did in fact say that out loud. “Uhhh-”

“Cut!” Sebastian yelled. He ran over to me and stood in front of me.

“I don’t think you can yell ‘cut’, Babe. This is live national television...” I nervously spoke.

“Is it true?” He asked me, clearly showing he didn’t give a damn what was going on around us.

Knowing that there was no way out of it, I nodded. “Yes ... I was going to tell you tonight but-”

Without warning Sebastian picked me up and started to spin around. “Oh baby! I love you!”

“You’re not going to love throw up on you if you don’t stop...” I bitterly told him as I started to have the same nausea feeling I’ve had for the past three days on and off.

Halting his spins, he put me down and stared at me before kissing me. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”



It is over!

*sniff* *sniff*

Sorry guys, no plans for a sequel! I know many of you were planning on it, but I have too many stories to finish and too many new ideas for stories!!

I hope ever single one of you enjoyed this adventure, I know I did! 

Thank you for voting! 

Thank you for commenting! 

And more importantly, thank you for spending time out of your day to read my story!!! Means a lot!! 

Anywhoo, for all of you, go fall in love! But please, be social and know who you are falling in love with! --- haha, get it?! --- no? Okay... ---

- TheRiverRunsDeep

P.S - *** For my die-hard fans, I plan to start back writing in "Just Run With It" !!! I hope you guys pick back up reading that! Because I know the story is going to be Epic -- with a capital 'E'!

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