"Are you done soon?", Hakyeon asked in a sulky tone not even twenty seconds afterwards and quickly returned to his original space, sticking right next to his soon-to-be partner.

Taekwoon flinched by the sudden touch but didn't say anything this time.

It wasn't really uncomfortable...
Rather... He wanted to get even closer.

Endure it Jung Taekwoon.

He thought for himself as he timidly tapped in the second half of the password while trying to convince his mind that Hakyeon was annoying, nothing else.

"Oh, is this where you register? Looks so fancy...", Hakyeon said as he leaned even further towards the screen, placing his hand on Taekwoon thigh in the process.

Taekwoon felt a strong shiver going through his body and something tingling inside of him started to move... He studied the boyish neck before him and gulped. It looked soft, kissable..?

You're crazy.

With those thoughts, Taekwoon roughly shoved Hakyeon back in his place. Accompanied by the sound of Hakyeon's chair scraping against the floor.

"Yah.", Hakyeon said and rubbed his slightly hurt thigh that had landed on the chair pretty heavily in the process.

"I'll...", Taekwoon started with his gaze directed stubbornly at the screen in front of him, "... I'll do this myself, so just leave your ID here and wait outside."

"Why...", Hakyeon asked and touched Taekwoon shoulder lightly.

His hand was instanly shoved away again. Hakyeon gave Takewoon a disatisfied look and pouted.

I haven't even done anything so what's with the bad mood...

I just leaned on him a little to look at the screen... I just touched him a little... Hm?

Hakyeon suddenly chuckled and covered his smile with the back of his hand.

"No way.", he said and earned a wondering glare from Taekwoon who still seemed a bit annoyed.

"Are you being shy right now? Because i touched you a little?", Hakyeon asked, still smiling and watched as Taekwoon's ears gradually turned redder.

"N-no.", he answered.

Hakyeon laughed and sneakily placed his hand on Taekwoon's thigh again. Feeling how his own heart steadily started to beat faster, how his blood started rushing.

Takewoon froze and gave Hakyeon a warning glare.

"Stop it.", he said.

Hakyeon hesitated and studied Taekwoon's eyes thoroughly for a few seconds. They looked serious... Dangerous.

But despite that...

Hakyeon leaned closer to Taekwoon and let his hand teasingly slide up his thigh in the direction towards his stomach. He leaned his upperbody closer as well and let his breath land softly on Taekwoon's pale neck.

Wrong choice.

Taekwoon stood up in an instant and grabbed Hakyeon's arm in the process. His grip was strong and firm and he easily pulled Hakyeon up from the chair as well. Hakyeon squeeled lightly.

"I'm sorry, Ow... It hurts Taekwoon-ah.", he complained.

"You...", Taekwoon said.

His eyes searched for Hakyeon's.


"You really... surprise me.", he said with a wry smile that didn't last longer than a second.

Hakyeon shivered as he felt his crotch area tighten in his pants, most likely triggered by Taekwoon's unexpected smile.

"R-right.", he said, wanting to sit down again to hide his sudden erection, "Mind letting go? I was just kidding."

He avoided the intimitating eyes that seemed study his every action in great detail.

"That's why i told you to stop it.", Taekwon answered with a soft voice that made Hakyeon feel like he was melting inside.

"I didn't hear you..."

"... Cha Hakyeon."

The way he says my name...


Taekwoon sucked on his lips in deep thought before he let a small sigh out. He let go of Hakyeon's arm who lightly, with an odd feeling of disappointment, grazed his fingers over the place where he had been gripped. Taekwoon sat down in silence and turned to the computer again.

"Take out your ID", he said and Hakyeon silently did as he was told.

"We'll start training after school today. It'll be intense since we don't have much time.", Takewoon said and turned to look at Hakyeon for a second, "Is that okay?"

"O-okay.", Hakyeon answered, suddenly feeling a sting of bad concience.

All this surely was to Hakyeon's advantage. However, as for Taekwoon...  He would clearly be dragged down by this decision. Hakyeon hesitated before he opened his mouth to speak.

"... Y"

Too late.

"We're registered now.", Taekwoon said and closed the laptop.



"Let's work hard", Hakyeon said with a forced smile.

Taekwoon nodded quietly and Hakyeon, feeling guilty, turned to leave the room... Stopped, by a sudden hand that grabbed onto his own. Hakyeon lowered his gaze to look first at their hands and then at Taekwoon himself.


"Do you like... Boys...?"

"Eh? What was that?"

Taekwoon hesitated before he spoke in a slightly higher volume.

"Are you gay?"


Taewoon cursed at himself. Ah really, this was so annoying. Why did he even want to know... He sighed and let go of his hand.

"Forget it.", he said.

"I am."


"I'm gay."


Ok cool.

I'm really sorry for being so slow with the updates but school is killing me right now. .-,

Thanks for reading. ~ >u<

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