I Do

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Alex's pov.

I was so freaking excited I couldn't even sleep today.

It's my wedding day!

When Sabrina and Jeysy came to my room to wake me up, I was already awake. They brought me breakfast in bed and I thanked them for their sweet gesture.

They're the sweetest most humblest girls I've met.



The three of us: AGHHHHHHHH!!!!

We laughed and i continued to eat my breakfast until I realized it was from mc donalds. These bitches. I laughed to myself and they looked at me as if they didn't know anything.

Alex: I love you guys so much

Sabrina: She found out.

They laughed to them selves and looked at each other. I kept eating and they told me to hurry up because we barely had enough time to do everything.

Justin left yesterday with some of his friends because he couldn't see me today. I missed him in my bed cuddling with me which is why I couldn't go to sleep I guess.

Because of the excitement as well I'm not gonna lie.

I was done with my breakfast and they told me to go shower and I did. After I came out I put on a bath robe and sat down in front of my huge mirror with all the makeup in front of me.

Jeysy did my make up while Sabrina was doing my hair and it took about an hour. They are professionals and if they weren't it would've took three hours.

And we don't want that now, do we?

Sabrina: Oh my God you are going to look so beautiful and Justin is going to faint when he sees you.

Jeysy: I totally agree! you look fucking amazing.

I didn't know what I looked like because Sabrina had covered the mirror so I wouldn't look at myself. They wanted it to be a surprise.

When they were done with the final touches they smiled at me and I felt really nervous because I didn't know what I looked like.

They finally took off whatever was covering the mirror and I looked at myself. Well I do look pretty beautiful.

Jeysy: Do you like it?

Alex: I freaking love it girls thank you so much!

I hugged them both and they hugged me back trying not to mess up my hair or my make up.

These girls are the best friends anyone could ever have.

I helped them do their makeup one by one and we all decided to get changed. They got changed first and then they came to help me put on the huge dress.

We finally put the dress on me and I looked at myself in the huge mirror. I felt like a princess or some kind of royalty. I looked beautiful.

I've never felt I've looked this good in my whole life. The makeup, hair and everything was perfect.

Sabrina: Wow.... You look beautiful.

Jeysy: Oh my God. Are you in Ms.Universe? Wow girl work it.

Alex: Oh my God girls thank you so much none of this would be happening if it weren't for you guys. Thank you so fucking much.

I was feeling a little teary and they noticed.

Sabrina: No no no no time to cry! you can't ruin the make up. Please don't cry we don't want to see you cry. Because if you do we're going to cry as well.

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