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Alex's pov.

I was just sitting there with my phone in my hand shocked not knowing what I should say. If i tell him I am developing feelings for him he'll feel weird and things would change and I don't want that.

Alex: Ummmm...

Justin: Do you?

Alex: I don't know...

Justin: Because I do...

Bitch what....

Alex: Wait what? you do?

I look to him to see if he was playing around or joking but I saw the most serious expression on his face and I've ever seen in my life.

Justin: I'm not lying. I feel something for you Alex.

Alex: I um.. I

I didn't know what to say so he stayed silent until he decided to speak up again.

Justin: This ... it's OK if you don't feel the same way and depending on how you feel about me, I will either try to stop feeling this things for you or keep them and let them bloom.

Alex: What type of feelings do you have for me?

Justin: Well I think you are an amazing and beautiful human being and throughout this time that we've been spending time together I've come to realize that it is you who we want to be with. You make me feel different. You make me feel like no one has ever made me feel and if you don't feel the same way it's ok. I like you and I'm starting to develop deeper and stronger feelings for you but I don't know what to do because I don't know what you feel about me. This fake wedding and fake relationship is something that I want to be real.

I didn't know what to say and I know I had to say something.

Alex: Justin I....

Justin: Just please tell me. What do you feel for me?

I looked at him and stayed silent and pushed myself onto him and kissed him. Our lips moved in sync and we made out.

I ran my hand through his hair and he hugged me tightly as we kissed. It was the most romantic and sweetest kiss I've ever had.

I just want to scream out "yes I feel the same way Justin!"

We leaned away from each other after a minute or so and he looked at me with the sweetest smile I've seen.

Alex: Justin, I feel the exact same way.

He smiled later and wrapped his arms around me then let go.

Justin: So what's going to happen?

Alex: I don't know, what do you want to happen?

Justin: I want everything to be real and to be with you.

I smiled at him and pecked his lips once more. We both smiled at each other and he hugged me again.

Alex: For now, let's just cuddle.

Justin laid down in the bed and I put my head on his chest after getting on top of him. He ran his fingers through my hair and we both feel asleep that way.

*Next day*

The alarm clock turned off and it woke Justin and I up. I groaned while Justin turned it off and he laughed at me.

Justin: You're so cute when you groan.

Alex: Shut up.

God his morning voice is so sexy and hot. Oh my gerdddd! He has a morning voice that could get you pregnant.

We got ready for work and we went to work as usual. When we were out of work we decided to go to Sabrina's house so she could show us everything about the wedding.

She knows more about it than I do which is kind of embarrassing.

We went in my car to her house and after we parked I called her and told her that I was outside. She open the door and we both went inside but Zayn was still not there.

We we're talking about the wedding and then after an hour, Zayn came home and we continued talking while he took a shower.

Justin: So everything is ready right?

Alex: Everything is more than ready baby.

Sabrina: Oh my God I'm so excited!!!!

She started talking about everything and Zayn came out looking at her with love in his eyes. He really does love her.

Sabrina: Baby come here and sit down with us.

He came to sit down with us and he put his arm around Sabrina's shoulder. I took a picture of them when they weren't looking and I put it on Instagram. Cuties.

Sabrina: So we have some news to tell you guys.

Justin: What are the news?

Zayn: Well...

Alex: Zayn hurry the hell up! I'm eager to know! Come on tell us Sabrina!!!

Sabrina: Do you really want to know?

Justin: Yes we do.

Sabrina: Well all i can say is be ready to become an aunt and uncle.

Alex: No fucking way!!!

Justin: Really?

Zayn: Yea.

Alex: Oh My freakiing Bieber!

Justin laughed at my comment and I giggled as well.

I stood up and so did Sabrina and I hugged her really tight.

Alex: Oh my god my baby girl Sabrina is going to be a mom!!!! I can't believe this.

Zayn and Justin did their bro hug and justin congratulated him.

Alex: How many weeks are you?

Sabrina: I'm five weeks.

Alex: Oh my God I want this baby to be born ready. What do you think it is?

Sabrina: I hope it's a boy.

Zayn: I hope it's a girl

Justin: Well whatever he or she is they are welcomed in our small family.

Alex: Oh my god what if they are twins?!?! Aghhhhh

Sabrina: I think I would only like one at the moment.

Alex: I mean we never know.

We continue talking about what the baby was going to be and we continue talking about the wedding until Justin and I had to leave home.

I'm going to be an aunt!!!

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