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Alex's pov.

Sabrina and I were talking while Justin and Zayn were  talking about some new cars.

Sabrina and I were talking about this party that my friend is throwing and we are planning on going. But first, I need to talk about it with Justin.

Alex: Justin

Justin: Yea baby?

Alex: One of my friends is throwing a party and Sabrina and I were wondering if you and Zayn wanna go.

Justin: sure it might be fun.

Zayn: I'm in!

S: Yes! it's going to be so fun!

The next day Justin and I woke up with my arm on his face and his leg on my stomach. No one can beat our sleeping positions. I slowly got up after taking my hands off his face and his legs off my stomach.

I laughed to myself and went to the kitchen. I am going to make pancakes with milkshakes because who doesn't like milkshakes.

I was setting up the plates with pancakes when I felt two hands on my shoulders and got me scared. I turned around and saw Justin and gave him a glare.

Alex: you scared me you ass hole.

Justin: sorry I just wanted to see what you were cooking.

Alex: wash your hands and sit down we are going to eat.

Justin: Yes ma'am.

I rolled my eyes at him and he washed his hands and said down and I put the plates on the table. we started eating and he told me that Zayn had told him that Sabrina was acting weird.

of course I couldn't tell him about Jacob because then he would tell Zayn. I just told him they would be alright and he shrugged it off and continued eating.

We went to work like always and we had a rough day. We had to do so many things and we also went to the immigration center to see how our case was going.

it's going pretty good and we can thank our great acting skills for that. we got home and right away Sabrina called me.

Sabrina: hey guys the party is going to be at eight. I think you should start getting ready it's already six.

Alex: alright baby girl thank you for telling us.

Sabrina: no problem I'll call you in a bit I have to finish something.

Alex: ok bye

Sabrina: bye

I went to Justin and I told him that the party was going to be and he told me the exact same thing that Sabrina told me.

To start getting ready.

I went to take a shower and I took a long time. I had to shave and do things that girls do when we take showers to look good. I went outside after putting on panties and a bra with a towel wrapped around me.

I was getting my clothes when Justin came in.

Justin: Oh damn honey

I smirked and walked to the bed.

Justin: Are you really going to tease me like that?

Alex: I'm not doing anything.

Justin: Yea you are. Stop teasing me.

Alex: I'm not teasing you love. Get out so i can change.

Justin: Can i stay here?

Alex: No

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