Runaway to Return

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As I ran through the woods I could here them running behind me. But what alerted me was when I heard bones cracking. I knew Nalue shifted so did Rinny, they were gaining ground on me and fast!

'Naomi we don't have time to shift. Im ganna have to use my angle wings okay?!' I yelled at Naomi who was in her medium sized wolf attack form running at my side.

'Yeah Im ready let's just get away from here for a while!' She growled in anger but not at me.

Naomi had already grown her wings and was off the ground in a moment of seconds. As Nalue and Rinny saw Naomi take off up into the sky they knew that I was going to as well. I can feel them right on my heels I wont have time to take off!

I spotted a clearing ahead and I used it to my advantage. I used my elf magic to increase my speed dramatically and then I used the grace and agility of my elf side to jump high into the air about 20 feet up and in a flash of an eye my angel wings appeared.

My wings for 12 feet long for each of them. They were a spectacularly blinding white, my hair turned to blonde with blue sapphire highlights as my hair grew a foot longer down to the very bottom of my butt. A gold crown formed on my forehead not on my head but on my forehead people. My skin became a little lighter. My eyes were all gold and I didn't have clothes on. Okay people calm down! I have armor on. This always happened when I went full angel form. My armor was silver steel platted leather with gold trimming. It was quite formal fitting. Show off my curves perfectly and a "little" revealing.

After the 10 second transformation I shot high into the sky where Naomi was waiting for me and then we headed North to the snowy forests and snowy plane tundra.

'You sure know how to make a dramatic exit.' Naomi laughed.

'Yeah. But part of it is because my armor will protect me greatly from the freezing weather. I know it may look like it can't but trust me, it can.' I reassured Naomi and gave a smile.


Rinny's POV

I was sitting on the rocks by the ocean with Nalue and Jesse as I heard my beautiful mate yell for me then planting kisses all over my face. I knew this was Naomi. But when I actually got a look at this girl it didn't look like Nymph at all.

"Your not Nymph!" I yelled at the girl as she took a step back with a flash of pain washing over her face.

My wolf Natsu was yelling at me that he could tell it was Nymph because he could sense that Naomi was with her.

But before I could stop to apologize to her, she had ran off to the woods. I looked over at Amber who was dumb struck then I looked at Jesse and Nalue who had angry faces on. Scratch that they had FURIOUS faces on. Jesse then grabbed me and we all started to chase after Nim.


The chase through the woods

Nymph was faster than all of us on her feet without using any powers at all. Nalue and I knew we wouldn't catch up so we shifted and we were gaining ground on her fast.

But then I saw a red orb come out of her to form Naomi who was running at her side.

'What is she doing Rinny?!' Natsu whined worriedly.

'I don't know...NO!' I yelled at Natsu but then yelled because Naomi flew off in seconds.

"Nalue she has a plan of some sort with Naomi we need to speed up!" I yelled over to Nalue and he nodded his head to show he understood.

But when we got to the clearing she ran with insane speed and jumped 20 feet in the air and turned into her angel form.

'So beautiful.' Natsu awed in adoration for our mate.

But then she was gone just like that.

No. No. No. Nooo! Why is this happening to me. If only I was more observant than this would have never of happened.

"I know where she is going." Nalue said in a deep tone that it made me step back.

"And Im going to go get her...on my own. You got that Rinny. Don't follow me you've done enough as it is!" Nalue yelled at me.

She is my mate I have to go after her. I don't care if Nalue hates me if I go but Im going. But then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I turned around and saw...

"Ashley what are you doing out here!" I said shocked.

"Oh why can't you just let her go and be with me handsome. I mean after all I am better, prettier, popular, and rich." Ashley said in a sickening sweet voice that made me want to rip her head off and then rip her to shreds.

But then out of no where someone swooped down from the sky and tackled Ashley to the ground. The most amazing scent filled my nose and I knew who it was.

"Nymph!" I yelled out in happiness. Natsu was clawing to get control. Geez why is he so clingy to Naomi.

"Hey there handsome." Nymph said with a smile.


Nymph's POV

'Naomi I think we should go back. I mean after all he is our mate and we will die without him and him without us.' I cried to Naomi as tears came from my eyes. I can't hate him for an honest mistake.

As if Naomi read my thoughts, oh wait she did. She nodded her head and said she was thinking the same thing.

When we were back I saw Ashely trying to swoon my mate. And that is a big no no in both my and Naomi's books. Naomi had absorbed back inside of me and then I descended at lighting speed and tackled the little twit to the ground.

"Nymph!" I heard Rinny yell with happiness.

"Hey there handsome." I said in a flirty voice and it melted him.

I walked over to him and hugged him tightly then stepped back to look at his face and then kissed him on the lips. As we kissed, Rinny had begun to hug me. I sent the others away and to leave the unconscious Ashley where she was.

"Im so sorry angel. I should have been more observant." Rinny said as he put his head against my neck and petted my hair.

"It's okay. But as punishment you will be sleeping in your own room for the rest of the week got it." I said in my High and Mighty angel voice. Only a few have it you know.

Rinny nodded his head on my neck and began to cry.

"Please don't leave me. Remember our promise as kids and from last week?" Rinny said as he cried and petted my hair.

"I would never leave you. I was only planning to be gone for like a week but I just couldn't do it because of the promise I remembered we made. And because I love you." I said as I played with Rinny's soft hair and he calmed down almost immediately. Works every time.


Looks like Nymph has got some competition eh? Things are going to get heated I will tell you that <3

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