Help In The Bathroom

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The next morning I woke up to an empty bed. I started patting around the bed searching for Rinny. As I started to panic I heard a click from my bathroom door. As I spun my head to face it and see Rinny come out with a towel wrapped around his waist and with another towel in his hand while using it to dry his hair.

"No need to panic angel. Im right here I just decided to get a shower." Rinny said in a soft voice to calm me down as he sat down next to me and gave me hug then a quick kiss on the forehead.

"I...*cough*...wa...*cough*...was just...*cough, cough*...worried." I said in a raspy voice while coughing.

"Don't try to speak. Use the bond to talk to me." Rinny said with concern in his voice as he rubbed my back.

'Why?' I asked through the bond with a confused look on my face.

"When you had your panic attack last night you hyperventilated and it caused you to have temporary loss of your voice." He explained to me as he got up from the bed.

'Oh, okay then.' I said to him as I stood up. But as I stood up pain shot through my legs and through my back. I let out a gasp and by legs buckled then gave out from under me. As I fell I felt a pair of arms wrap around me only mere seconds after to stop me from falling. I knew it was Rinny because of the sparks that tingled all throughout my body.

"Don't try to stand up or walk. You are still in the critical stage of healing so that means you wont be able to walk anywheres on your own without being carried." Rinny said worriedly as he steadied me then put me on the bed.

As I looked down I could see that both my legs were wrapped up from my thighs down to my ankles. I raised my head up to look at Rinny as he raised his head up from looking at my legs as well.

"Your father had to stitch your legs up because he could only heal the deeper part of the wounds." Rinny said with sadness in his voice. He also had a sad look on his face as he explained my situation.

'For how long?' I asked getting so we could get straight to the point. I braced myself for the response.

"For about two weeks. Your father said that he could heal it all the way but he wanted to let you gain more strength in your ability to heal yourself faster." He said with a quick flash of pain crossing his face.

I was not expecting that answer. I thought it would be only a few days. I could feel the tears fighting to spill from my eyes but I wouldn't let them fall. But one managed to escape.

'Why?' I said with pain in my voice as I balled my hands into fists and squeezed them tightly.

"Don't worry angel. You will get through this and we all know it." Rinny said as he wiped my falling tear away and took both my hands into his.

"Now was there anything you needed or wanted?" Rinny said with a soft voice as he changed the subject. He must be referring to when I stood up.

'A bath would be nice.' I said with a small weak smile.

"Okay." He said sweetly with a smile on his face.

As he picked me up bridle style; I winced a little at the pain because my wounds were still very tender. He then started walking to the bathroom then inside. He then put me on the sink's marble counter top with ease.

"Do you need any help?" Rinny asked looking me in the eyes as he stepped back.

'No I should be fine.' I said assuring him I would be fine.

"Okay. But just incase you need any help I will be in the room changing then watching some T.V." He said as he gave me a quick peck on the lips before leaving the bathroom and shutting the door behind him.

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