Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 5

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When I pulled open the heavy door that leads to the hallway my room is on, I notice that my cell door is cracked open slightly. That’s not good… Walking VERRY slow, I scoot my feet along the ground going at an angle so I can see if anything is in there. But when I get to the door, I see no one in there.

Breathing a sigh of relief, I realize that Griffin must have not closed it completely when we left earlier. Stepping into the room, I skip over to my bed, wanting to lie down and forget this all happened.

Behind me, the door slowly creaks shut. Freezing in my spot, I don’t look behind me, afraid of what I might see. But when I don’t hear anything, I whirl around, only to come face to face with the head doctor person. Reading his nametag, I see that his name’s Zachary. Dr. Zachary. Geeky much?

“You think you could fool me?” He says, walking closer. The door opens behind him and two burly guy doctor people walk in, standing like guards next to the now re-shut door. “I know you didn’t take your pills.” I watch as he reaches in his pocket and leisurely pulls out a syringe filled with a murky gray liquid.

Dr. Zachary smirks at me as he flicks the glass syringe, then presses down on the little handle thing, causing a little stream of whatever medicine that is to squirt out into the air, like in all the doctor movies. Trying not to be afraid, I keep my eyes locked with his.

“You probably think everyone should pity you because of what happened.” Here he takes a step forwards, “ The truth is, most people are afraid of you. They think you’re such a lunatic, that you’ve been like this for so long that you’ve lost your sense of humanity. I just think that you’d be a good… play toy I guess you could say.” The next time he takes a step forwards, I have to take a step back, because he’s almost close enough to touch me.

He makes some miniscule movement with one of his hands, and the two doctors come forwards next to him.

“Now are you going to be a good girl? I don’t want to have to use force.” When he says ‘force’ he glances at the two doctor people.

Taking more steps back when he comes close again, he sighs and shakes his head. “Force it is…” is all he says, and then the 2 doctors come forwards, hands reaching.


Trying to dart around Dr. Zachary, they lunge for me, grabbing my arms and holding me still. My heart starts pounding two times faster, and my vision starts going blurry.

Physical contact…

The room starts spinning, and I catch flashes of the action going on around me.

Dr. Zachary coming close to me with the syringe. Him pressing the cold needle into the vein on my arm, then the stinging sensation of whatever it is as it rushes through my veins.

I can barely ask myself why it hurts in my head before I faint, or the medicine takes effect and knocks me out. Either one, something happens and everything goes black.


The first thing I realize when I wake up, is that I’m tied to a chair. Great, another one of my fears… Merinthophobia – fear of being bound or tied up. I start struggling blindly, trying to get free. I feel it when the rope around my wrists breaks the skin, and warm drops of blood drip down my hands. Eventually I get worn out, but I got the rope loose enough to actually pull my hands out, because I was struggling so much.

You can do a lot of damage if you’re afraid of being tied up. Finally able to pay attention to what’s around me, I see that I’m in the group therapy room, and the screen is on and playing in front of me. All the benches were taken out, so the room is empty.

Letting my eyes flicker to the screen for a minute, I watch as just a few of these words flash across the screen: pain, fear, discipline, enemy, fight. Along with pictures, gory pictures, painful pictures.

This. Isn’t. Happening.

I remember what one of my counselors told me one time, when I had just had a violent mental therapy session, and I had been locked in just one of my many nightmares.

* Flashback 6 months ago *

“You mustn’t let your nightmares control you, you are your own person, nothing can change that.” The doctor tells to the 12 and a half-year old girl sitting in front of him. “They’re your dreams, you can change them into whatever you want. Even if it’s not a nightmare, if it’s real life, don’t let your fears take control. Keep calm in tough situations, think out your reaction, don’t let your emotions show. And no matter what, imagine it as something you can take control of.”

I look up at him and blink a couple times, still breathing heavily from my nightmare.

“if your surroundings are scary, take that fear and use it to fuel your strength. This is your life, no one but yourself can help you.”

* Flashback over *

After that session, the doctor quit and moved away. As soon as I remember that, I stand up and go over to the projector behind me, along with my chair. Without a word, I pick the chair up and smash it over the projector, breaking it into pieces. Over and over, the chair comes down, annihilating that stupid machine. Keeping a straight face, I use the light of the EMERGENCY EXIT signs to examine the room.

Seeing glints of light from all four corners of the room, I recognize it as cameras. Recording my actions. Slowly, I turn from corner to corner, flicking each camera, and the person watching the screen that’s got this recording on it, off.

Taking control of myself, I calculate everything. The possibilities of getting out of this room and to Griffin and the rest of them. Whether or not I’m going to live. Everything.

Letting my eyes roam around the room, I notice the double doors, see the glinting metal of the handles. Smirking, I walk over and pull on them, but I hear the rattle of a pad lock and chain on the other side, and I almost let out a scream of frustration.

Taking another course of action, I go to the emergency doors, and try shoving one open. The same thing happens, but surprisingly, I remember something I learned in my first weeks of being here.

If you pull the fire alarm, all doors will open automatically, no matter what. Deciding to try it, I punch the glass on the covering of the fire alarm next to the door, until it breaks, and I can pull the lever.

Immediately after, the alarm sounds and the door slides sideways to open. Grinning triumphantly, I sprint out the door and down the hallways, dodging doped up kids in the hallways, and scaring any doctors I can. Reaching the main hall, I see Griffin, Cade and Dallas rushing down the main stairs. Relieved, I kick up the speed, hurtling towards them.

Almost knocking Griffin down, I stop right before I hit him. He stumbles back a step from surprise, then he heads towards a side door. The 2 guys follow him and I follow them. When outside, we hide behind a low wall, and keep quiet.

But then, a doctor finds us and ushers us out into the large yard. The fire alarm cut off some time ago, and now everyone’s staring at me.

How the hell do they know it was me?

Before Griffin or Cade or Dallas can do anything, a doctor closest to me takes out a syringe in their pocket and shoves the needle in my arm. What is obviously morphine gets shot into my bloodstream, and I fall limp.

Now isn’t this just fantastic.

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