Insane Doesn't Even Begin to Cover It... Chapter 2

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Sitting in my cell alone in the peace and quiet has become a habit for me. I ignore all the chances to go outside, getting my exercise in my room. Even though it’s hard to do, it works, so I’m not out of shape. Right now I’m perched on the edge of my cot, staring at the opposite wall, rocking back and forth with my knees pulled up to my chest and my arms crossed over them.

Everything is silent and still around me, just like I like it. Flickering my gaze around the small enclosed space of my room, I notice how the lights flicker like in some horror movie, and how the shadows seem to elongate before my eyes. Things like this happen all the time, and most would’ve gotten scared long before I ever would. I only find these aspects of my room interesting.

Like how the light reflects off the observatory windows up above me, and the windows that reflect slight light from outside. How the video camera up in the corner is tracking my every motion, catching every sight. Also how the low sound of the air conditioner cuts off and then cuts back on thirty minutes later. Plus the way my shadow moves on the wall as I move, all the odd positions it looks like.

All of this interests me. I could sit here and study every part of my room over and over again and never get bored because it would always change. Everything changes, all the time.

The lights flicker and go out then, signaling that it’s time to go to sleep. Aided by the minute light from the small windows, I climb under the thin covers of my cot and lay my head on the pillow, staring into space.

Finally my eyes start to open and close, fighting to stay awake. Without warning I’m dragged into the black of sleep, ignorant to all things around me.


When I wake up, I mechanically get out of the bed and pull the covers up, making the surface of the bed smooth. Then, just like always, the door opens and I’m taken out.

This time it’s to go take a shower, like we do every morning.


After my shower, I go back into my room in a new white asylum issued gown. I stand in the corner and lean against the padded wall, then for no reason at all I start dragging my nails against the slightly rough surface, snagging my short nails.

They don’t let us keep our nails long, something about clawing our faces. Whatever, I hope they know that just because they keep our nails short doesn’t mean we can’t cause damage.

Still dragging my hands down, I sink to the floor. Without realizing it, I had gotten small cuts on my fingers from where one of my nails slipped and caught my skin instead of the fabric. It had left bloody trails on the walls and I look, at them, watching as the blood sinks into the wall, staining it a dark red. It’s only 5 blurred lines on either wall next to me plus 2 handprints, but still, the effect is creepy.

Not to me though. I wonder what a visitor would think if they went into the observatory and looked down upon me, with blood trails leading to the floor on either side of me. Maybe they would pity me, maybe they would feel disgusted. Hopefully they wouldn’t care, just pass me off as a crazy person.

The sight of that blood on the wall, brings flashes of memories to the front of my mind.

~Flashback 5 years ago~


I was eight when it happened. I was coming home from school, on my own, swinging my Sailor Moon lunchbox on its handle, with my Pokemon bookbag slung over my shoulder.


Looking down, I see that my shoe’s untied, so I lean over and tie it up. As soon as I stand up though, I wish I had stayed down.


Because there was something in front of me that wasn’t there before. Walking closer like any inquisitive child my age would do, I look at the man lying at an odd angle before me.


The blood pools around his body, but I don’t know what it means. Is he doing something for Halloween? It’s October,  but Halloween’s not for weeks.


Confused, I walk past him, taking one last glance at the scared expression on his face, eyes wide open, staring, blank.


All along the public sidewalk in the middle of the town, where I’m walking at now, has spatters of blood. How could this have happened so quickly?


I step up to my favorite candy shop and look inside, hoping that my friend Josie is there as she usually is, deciding on whether to get skittles or gummy bears. Instead all I see is the dark red stain on the white and black tiled floor. At first I think that the shop owner spilled something, maybe a slushie. But no, when I get closer, it doesn’t smell like cherries or strawberries, but something like a new penny.


I start crying at what I see when I pass the M&M stand. Josie is lying on the floor, eyes wide open like the man before, bloody handprints streaking down the wall next to her.


“J-josie? Josie come on wake up! It’s not funny anymore!” I cry, shaking her shoulder.


Josie doesn’t wake up though.

~ flashback over ~

Jerking up, shaking, my eyes wide and terrified, I stare around the room, expecting to see some indication of the past.


Still shaking violently, I take a few steps towards the button on the wall that I have to press whenever this happens. It automatically signals the person who gives me my meds, so they come up here and give them to me.

I collapse on the floor before I reach the button, and scoot forwards, reaching up towards it. Finally my fingers reach and the button is pushed.

Minutes later the door swings open and a girl rushes in. When she sees me lying there, convulsing, on the floor, she swiftly kneels next to me, taking the syringe out and wiping an alcohol swab over my arm.

I feel the prick, then everything fades into nothing.

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