She shook her head before staring back at Michael. I sighed, irritation suddenly making me walk out of the apartment with authority. I almost ran out of the building but forced myself to slow down to a gentle pace.

I glanced at my bag that I had taken hastily and dug around in it only to find the spare car keys to Michael’s car not there. Annoyed I made my way on foot towards the local park where a few families and a couple of teenagers loitered around.

Two stands, one selling food and another selling trinkets and gifts of all sorts, stood in the middle of the park managed by a woman. I looked around, why was I here? With a shrug I walked over to a far corner of the park and sat on a bench, just watching people walking past with the occasional glances from them staring mostly at my hair.


I looked up only to be greeted by a familiar warm face, “Urial”.

I felt his warm arms go around me pulling me into a big bear-hug. When we pulled apart I noticed the love bites along his neck and the way his mischievous silver eyes lingered on my lips for a moment too long.

“Evelyn what are you doing here, by yourself?” he asked sitting down on the bench.

I smiled and sat next to him, “I am allowed out on my own you know”.

He grinned, “So where is Brother Michael?”

“At home, with Laura,” I replied with a sigh.

Urial noticed, “Laura, who’s that?”

“My human,” I answered looking away.

“Your human is with Michael?” Urial asked in amusement, “That’s unbelievable, since when did Michael dote over humans?”

“She has captured his interest,” I stated simply.

He nodded and then pulled me into another hug on the bench, “Evelyn has Michael told you about the meeting tonight?”

I looked up at him, taking in his blonde hair and silver eyes, “What meeting?”

“The angels are gathering tonight at Gabriel’s house, we need to discuss the daunting facts that the demons are on the brink of starting a war among the humans,” Urial whispered.

I swallowed, “What type of war?”

Urial looked at me, the seriousness in his eyes told me just how bad the war was going to be. He shook his head and changed the subject to something much lighter than wars; he began to talk about his night with a human.

“Last night was great Evelyn, but if only it was you,” Urial began.

I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the smile that was tugging at my lips, “Urial, you and I both know well enough that love amongst us is not allowed”.

He scoffed, “That is not true, it isn’t allowed only if it gets in the way of our missions”.

I grinned, “It will get in the way of my mission”.

“Liar, liar pants on fire,” he sang sticking his tongue out.

I couldn’t help but laugh at Urial. He grinned and pulled me closer to him again which sent his warmth travelling down my spine. For a few moments we just sat there in silence watching as people walked past glancing every now and again towards us. And then I heard a beeping from Urial.

Looking at him I watched as he pulled out his phone and answered it in a seductive tone. I raised my eyebrows as he grinned at me. I didn’t need to ask to know that it was one of his ‘lovers’ that he probably spent the night with yesterday. Urial like Michael was an archangel but he had a good sense of humour that seemed to get the better of him sometimes as well as his long streak of ladies that seemed to always get his attention.

Gabriel sat at the foot of the table holding a glass of wine in his hand. I studied his auburn hair and his golden eyes that shimmered with warmth and kindness that sought out me amongst the other angels that were seated around the table. Next to me sat Michael who was fiddling with his own phone and to my other side sat Urial who kept sending an angel across from him seductive winks.

I noticed the angel in reply twirl her long golden hair and batting her eyelashes. Typical human behaviour but somehow angels did the same whenever they were interested in more than just friendship. Raphael was seated next to Michael, his brown hair and green eyes were filled with friendliness that radiated throughout the table.

“Angels, may I please have your attention,” Michael began, “we all have been summoned here today because of the looming battle between the demons and angels that will have to be fought”.

Angels around looked up at Michael with interested fixed gazes making me feel weirdly not part of the gathering since I was the only one who did not look at Michael like everyone else did. I shook away the thoughts and looked back up at Michael who shot me a warning glance before continuing.

“Our lord has blessed us each with the duty of being a guardian to the precious humans we love and care dearly for but a human, also known back in heaven as the Avenger Lucinda has in her human form sold her soul to a demon which has tipped the balance of good and bad,” Michael stated.

A series of whispers and gasps went around the table. I looked around worriedly and my eyes came into contact with Raphael’s, he smiled reassuringly at me before motioning me to pay attention to Michael who once again was sending me warning looks.

“The time has come for angels and demons to once again battle it out for the fate of humanity relies on this and this alone, one war, one victor and one goal,” Michael roared out.

Angels cheered including me except I couldn’t help but feel the emptiness of my emotions. Something happened to me last night when I had allowed the demon to kiss me and I was set out on not ever letting it happen again.

“Come forth Demon,” Satan called out at me.

I walked forward towards Satan, his horns and hideously red skin glowing with luminescent bright flames. My eyes scanned the different slaves that were loitering around Satan and I thought back about the angel.

“So tell me, how is your mission going?”

I shrugged, “The mortal is under heavy surveillance by her guardian and I’ve seen the archangels around her too”.

“That mortal is more trouble than she’s worth but she is the chosen one” Satan sighed, “it seems that my brother has declared it a war between us”.

“Why is that?” I asked.

Satan’s eyes narrowed before he glared sending a throbbing pain shooting through my spine, “The mortal is the one that will finally tip the scales of good and evil, and we shall rise to take over the humans sending my brother to turmoil”.

“Very well, what is it you want me to do father?”

“Start chaos amongst the humans,” Satan answered with rage.

My angelic smile, his devilish love ✔Where stories live. Discover now