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Well, I guess I have to use my sharingan. I held the part of my headband which covered my left eye.
"Using the same technique? You are no fun, Kakashi!" Said Zabuza.

"You are the only one who was alive to see my sharingan twice! After this, you will not see the third time!" I exclaimed.
Suddenly, Zabuza came running towards me with a kunai. I stopped it with my free hand. Few drops of blood fell, but I didn't care.

"You might defeat me, Kakashi. But you will never be able to defeat Haku. Especially his blood trait: his kekkei genkkai.
When I met him, he was a fragile little boy. I trained him. Hard. He became so strong, it didn't matter who is the enemy or how many. He would take them out in one shot! Then, there came a time when he surpassed my powers. He is stronger than you think he is. He became a fighting tool. A shinobi. And you think your genin friends could defeat him?"

"Can you stop bragging? You are putting me to sleep!" I said, pulling my headband up to reveal my sharingan.

"The last battle, I was playing it loose. But, this time it's a little different. You see, Haku was standing there and watching every move of yours. He has a gifted power. When he sees a jutsu, he can analyse a counterattack within minutes. That's why I keep him so close. Anyways,Hidden mist jutsu!"

Not this thing again!


Ok now it's getting serious. I got even more closer to Mr Tazuna.
"Stay close. What ever happens, stay behind me." I told him

"Ok,(y/n). I will." He the minute, the mist got thicker and thicker. Mr Tazuna had to hold on to my shoulder from the fear of blurry sight. Then, all of a sudden loads of shuriken came towards sensei. He blocked all of them with his kunai.

"As expected from the copy ninja, Kakashi of the sharingan eye....." And he went on blabbering about how he analysed the sharingan and shit. Then there was this really creepy silence. Where is he gonna attack from? When? How? Left? Right? Wait...... Tazuna! I saw behind Mr Tazuna and there he was standing I grabbed my kunai, stood in front of him. But sensei came in between. Zabuza came with full force.

"Too late, Kakashi!" He cried. He was right about to cut off sensei with his sword.

"What? You? You little brat!" He exclaimed. I had blocked him with my kunai. I was not making eye contact. But when I did," You too?"

"Yes. Even I possess the sharingan. As you were from the assassination unit of the mist, you must be familiar with Sayuri and Akane."

"Yes, they were ordered to assassinate your dear sensei here, but they refused. So, they were Kisame........ Hoshigaki...... You..... Are......"

"That's right, bitch. I'm their daughter." I said while making the sign only sensei, Sasuke and Naruto know. The sign meant that get ready for attack. Sensei went behind Zabuza. Zabuza turned to face sensei.

"Quick, Mr Tazuna! Climb on my back!"


"Just do it, will you?"
I took him like a piggy back ride and used the teleportation jutsu to teleport to the other side of the ice house.

"We'll be safe here."

Sorry for a short chapter! I don't anything have to say so.... I love you guys! Thanks for reading and your votes!
Until this fight ends for sure, promise!😁

Sejal x

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