Four: Her Likes And Dislikes

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[Yoshiki's P.O.V.]

"Hmmm... What am I going to do today? Its saturday and I am home alone." I sat on my bed, thinking on what to do.

"Hmm.." I stood up and went to my computer.

How to attract girls. I pressed enter and whoa, there was tons of results that showed up.

-After reading tons of advices-

"Hmm.. So first I need to know what she likes and what she dislikes. That sounds easy."

Yeah. It may sound easy.. but there's one problem..


I can't do that. I might piss myself of too much nervousness.

I sighed and layed down on my bed.

"I gotta man up. If I want to know more about her, then I guess I have no choice but to talk to her in person."


"Oh? Someone's calling." I picked up my phone and saw Satoshi calling me.

"Hey, Satoshi. What is it?"

-Meet me at the park at 10:00. No questions.-

Then, he hung up.

I took a shower and dressed myself then went out of my apartment and locked it.

It was still early, but I didn't care.

I sat down on a nearby bench and read a book about Guitar lessons. Its also a way to attract girls, according to google.

"Kishinuma?" I heard a cute voice. As I look up, my heart just exploded.

"S-Shinozaki? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Mochida-kun sent me here, said he wants to meet me here. You were also sent here?" The way she smiles, dear lord, please help me. I just want to explode.

"Y-Yeah.." I shyly responded.

"Hey guys!" We heard Seiko from the distance.

"Shinohara!! Nakashima-san!" Ayumi waved at them.

"Kishinuma!" Seiko greeted me with a hug.

"Woah!! Hey, get off!!" I shoved Seiko away.

"Ouch! Kishinuma, that hurts!"

"Whatever.." I picked up my guitar lessons book and started reading it again.

"What is that, Kishinuma-kun?" I yelped a bit as I heard Ayumi's voice.

"Uhhmm.. Guitar lessons and.. stuff.." I covered my face in extreme embarassment.

I focused reading it and suddenly, she lowered the book and stared at me for a bit.

"U-uh.. S-Shinozaki..?" I called out.

"Am I scary?" She asked.

"O-Of course not! I was just.. trying to focus on learning guitar things." I responded.

"Hmmmm... You sure?" She asked again.

I gulped down the lump in my throat.

"Y-Yes.. I'm a hundred percent sure."

"Okay~!" She cheerfully said and smiled.

I smiled at her childish actions, though being childish suits her well.

After a few minutes, Satoshi and the rest arrived. Satoshi said that he wants to hang out with his friends, including me of course.

We went to the amusement park and played a few games. Then, all of us were hungry so we bought some food and sat down to a nearby bench and took a break.

I took a deep breath.

Okay.. This is your chance, Yoshiki.. You better ask what she likes and what she dislikes..

I cleared my throat so that I can get her attention.

"Kishinuma-kun? Is there a problem?" She asked, worry plastered on her face.

"Uhhmm.. May I ask you something?"
"Sure. What is it?" She looked at me, as if she was focusing on me.

I sweatdropped.

"Uhhmm.. what are your.. likes and dislikes..?"

"My likes and dislikes? Well, I like fortune telling, manga, anime, novellas and the PlayStation Portable!" She responded cheerfully.
(I actually googled it. XD)

"Okay.. What about your dislikes?" I never knew she loves the PlayStation.. That's a bonus.

"I hate adults. Mainly men." She said in disgusts.

"O...kay.." Knowing what she dislikes, just broke my heart.

"But don't worry! I don't hate you! You're a cool person."

Cool person, huh? I smiled.

"Thanks.. Also, what are your hobbies?"

"Well, I like telling ghost stories, collecting occult paraphernalia, and illustrating." She looked at me and smiled.

"Okay. That's sounds nice." I smiled at her and looked away.

"I also want to be an illustrator when I grow up." She said.

"Oh.." Was all that came out of my mouth.

"How about you, Kishinuma?"

"I dunno.." I stared at the sky, with my mind completely blank.

"Well, you should start deciding and stop being a jerk!" She giggled and punched my right arm.

"Yeah, yeah.." I just smiled at her and rubbed my arm.

You're the only girl that can make me smile, Ayumi Shinozaki.



I have nothing to say. Bye.



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