I'm tagged - Wattpad Trend AU

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(Not a chapter sadly (◕︵◕) but don't worry the next one will be out soon ^^)

Alright I've been tagged once again but this time by BoogieStories124  and I've just woken up as well haha (when I wrote this anyway) :D

So Here Are The Rules:

1 You have to post all the rules

2 You have to tag 13 people

3 Each person has to say 13 things about themselves

4 You have to answer 13 questions addressed to you and make up 13 questions for the people you tag

5 You can't say "I don't do tags."

6 Tag backs are aloud

7 You have to finish within a week so if you don't you have to do what the creator says
(I don't know if count as it or something but I'm not mean and I'm not gonna make you rob a bank or anything like that)

8 Just be creative with the title nothing like 'I got tagged blah blah blah.'

9 You have to put this in a book not in the comments

BoogieStories124  's Questions

1 Soda or Tea?

Soda. . . Because I don't like Tea I don't know why it's the taste of it or something.

2 Merome or Skylox?


3 Pandas or Cats?


4 YouTube or Facebook?

YouTube is basically my bae (so weird to use that word >_<) at this point

5 Frozen or Tangled?


6 Dirt or Rock?


7 Vanoss or Wildcat?

Wildcat. . .?

8 Minecraft or GTA 5?

Minecraft! 100%

9 Lazy or not?

Lazy :D

10 Pink or Black?

We only wear black everyday :)

11 Waffles or Pancakes?

Woofless (aka Waffles)

12 Writing or Drawing?

Both! :D

13 Betty or Budder Sword?

Betty. Hands down. Axes are my second favorite type of weaponry in Minecraft

My Questions (just randomness honestly they were the first ones I could think of on the top of my head :/ at the time)

1 Pasta or Chicken?

2 Pie or Ice cream?

3 Hot or Lemon wings?

4 Cola or Pepsi?

5 Mithross or Skylox?

6 The Pack or Sidemen?

7 Mexico or Canada?

8 England or Australia?

9 The 10th or 11th Doctor?

10 What Fandom(s) You Enjoy Most?

11 Breakfast or Dessert?

12 Famous Quote You Like?

13 Magic or Science?

People I Tag

BoogieStories124  >:D I tagged you back *insert evil laugh*













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