~Chapter 37~

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I woke up to Aaron pulling me closer and the sound of people taking pictures and "awe"ing

"Guys stop before you wake her up" I heard Aaron say

"Okay well wake her up soon cause o2L is coming to visit and they are joining the tour" I heard Taylor say

"WHAT o2L IS COMING" I screamed jumping up out of the bed

"Wow someone's happy" I heard Cameron say

"I love o2L" I said heading towards the door

"Where are you going?" I heard everyone ask as I opened the door

"To get dressed duh" I said

"But I like you in my clothes" Aaron said

"Fine give me a hoodie and I'll wear that" I said with a little sass

"Okay here you go hurry back in cold" Aaron said as I ran out the door

Once I got to my hotel room I got in the shower then once I got out I brushed my teeth, and blow dried my hair straight, I then got dressed.

-magcon hoodie
-magcon beanie
-black leggings
-white converse
*outfit above*

Once I was finally done getting ready I went back to Aaron's room because o2L was almost there according to Taylor who keeps shouting out the time.

While we were waiting for them to get here we all just sat in Cameron, Nash, and Taylor's room watching movies.

*skip to when o2L arrives*

Once they finally got here we all went outside to greet them.

"Sam" Taylor yelled in a really deep voice then gave him a "bro" hug

"Well hello who are these pretty ladies" Jc asked looking at Me, Kaitlyn, Haley, and Ariel.

"This is Lisa Pottorff.."

"Wait Lisa?" I heard Sam say interrupting

"Yeah?" I asked

"Oh shit" I heard a lot of the guys say under there breaths

"What's going on?" I questioned Sam

"I'm Sam.. Sam Pottorff.. I'm your brother." He said

"My brother?" I asked

"Yeah whenever you were 3 mom gave you to aunt Emily cause she thought she wouldn't be a good enough mother" Sam said as he started to tear up

"What" I said in shock

I didn't do anything I just ran into Sam's arms and cried.

"Shh..shh..shh" he said as he just hugged me and picked me up

"Im sorry Lisa" he said as he put me down

"It's okay I mean at least I wasn't given to some complete stranger" I said trying to lighten up the mood

"Oh.. If it makes you feel better mom really wants to see you." He said

"Where does she live?" I asked

"North Carolina" he answered

"I'm not gonna see her for a while then" I said throwing my hands in the air

"We go to North Caroline for our next magcon show" Cameron said

"Really?!" I asked in excitement

"Yeah" he said

"Yay I get to see my real mom, aunt Emily and Tyler" I said excited

"Who's Tyler" Sam asked

"My boyfriend, I want to surprise him when we go back" I said

"Okay let's go do something instead of just standing here" i said trying to clear up the awkwardness.

"Yes" everyone agreed.

Once we all agreed on a place to eat we decided to go to chipotle, once we got there we ordered and got it to go then we stopped at Starbucks bad everyone ordered the we all decided to head back to the hotel and just hang out in Cameron's room.

After goofing around for about 5 hours it was getting pretty late so we all went to our rooms and headed to bed.

Bullied By Magcon **Magcon Fanfiction, along with o2L and other famous people**Where stories live. Discover now