~Chapter 7~

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After I finally got the strength to get up and head inside I went straight to the bathroom I just decided take a quick shower, but as I was in the shower all the voices in my head "do it you know you want to do it, you don't deserve to be happy you're nothing, you're fat and ugly" I couldn't take it anymore I've been clean for almost 2 weeks and I'm breaking it, I did 9 deep cuts in my left arm for each guy, another one for being me, then another for still liking someone who puts me through so much..
I've never really tried to attempt suicide but I have had thoughts but I'm NOT letting those dicks get the satisfaction..

After crying and contemplating my life I decided to get out and I just put on some nike spandex a sweater and my hair in a messy bun (outfit above). Then I just laid down and just went through some social media all the boys follow me so they just comment some hate.. I just decided to set my alarms and head to bed... Cause it's only Monday.

Bullied By Magcon **Magcon Fanfiction, along with o2L and other famous people**Where stories live. Discover now