Part 4: training the ultimate

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Joule's POV
"Why is it always me that pay the check?"Ringo groaned as he take out his pouch of coins. "Because! You always steal the gold when we are in the match! You are basically rich!!!" I grinned. "By the way... Has anyone seen Alex? I noticed that he is gone for most of the time... " Kestrel asked. "Last time I saw him, we were in the training room together..." She sighed... "WAIT WHAT?!?! YOU TWO WERE IN THE TRAINING ROOM ALONE?!?! TOGETHER?!?? OHMERGRAWD!!! " I yelled. We started to attract funny looks. "So? It not like I like him or anything..." Kestrel blushed. "Anyways. We should look for him. God knows where he have gone. " Taka said. And we got up one by one, and left the dinner table.

"Back here again? I notice you came during lunch as well." A deep voice sounded. Alex turned around, looking at a man with red gear and gadgets. " I'm Ardan. I am your enemy, but we are neutral out of the battlefield. " Ardan smiled. "I knew your mom and dad. They were great and strong. A terrible tragedy. Of course..." He sighed. "I am Celeste and Vox's father, in case you are curious. Your father was my coach. He taught me well on protecting my friends. I witnessed your father's last death. Of course, I thought that was normal until I was told that their respawning system failed." Ardan sighed. "So when are going to work on your ultimate?" "Wait, what? What ultimate?" Alex asked, confused. Ardan chucked. "Every hero learn their ultimate when they are level 6 on the battlefield. These abilities are stronger than the other abilities that you can use. For me, I can set down a projected perimeter that stun any enemy that crosses it. "Ardan smiled. He tapped his gadget and 3 robot dummies pop up. " now concentrate. Close your eyes and unleash nature's fury on these monsters." Alex closed his eyes. He saw nothing but a green leaf, gently gliding down. The moment it touched the ground, his eyes snapped open. Instead of its usual chocolate brown eyes, it was flaming red, then icy blue, then nature green. He gestured his hands as if he is throwing darts at the dummies. But instead of darts, it was tornados. 3 came out of his hands and seek their target. As the target get strike, Ardan's watch displayed the word, stunned. " nice job!" Alex grinned back. Yes, it was great to learn all of your abilities. He took a look at his watch. It was already ten past twelve. "Dear god. I gotta go. It's late." Alex thanked Ardan and quickly left the room. Ardan waved him good bye, and thought " what's wrong with kids nowadays? Thought he was a girl for a second there. Long hair, girly face..." Ardan sighed. He grabbed his pink jacket and left.
(Time skip)
Alex couldn't sleep that night. His thoughts were keeping him awake. Half of him is yelling" YAS! I LEARNED ALL MY MOVES!!! WOO HOO!!!" While the other part is yelling "OHMERGRAWD KESTREL IS SOOOOOO PRETTY!!! HOLY MOTHER OF KRAKENS!!!" He slapped his face. Yes, he was happy about learning all his moves, but he wanted to see kestrel again. Her beautiful blonde hair, her dark, brown eyes, and she looked very pretty in general. He banged his head against his pillow before choking himself to sleep.
(More time skip)
Blackfeather's POV
I normally act as a gentleman, but this Alex boy is starting to attract a lot of attention than me. He is starting to be the center of attention and not me just because he is special. So it's about time I do something.
Today, when the trading session started, I walked in and saw that he was training already. Of course, he is always the first one here. I walked to him and said "think you are tough? Being the center of attention and fighting these dummies, eh?" I retorted. He gave me a funny look and said "umm... You must be BlackFeather, right? Celeste told me you are a rose guy who steal people's hearts. I don't know though, you look pretty awesome to me" he smiled. I stared at him. He is either testing my patience or he is complimenting me. I thought this was a trick and threw a punch at his face." Ow! What was that for?" He rubbed his cheek and gave me an angry look. "I am the center of attention. Don't get in my way again." I walked away as he shot me a dark look.
Alex's POV
What the hell is this BlackFeather's problem? I don't want attention and I Certainly don't want to start rivalries. But what is his problem? For kraken's sake. I was thinking about what happened but Koshka called me. "Awex! Come on! To the arena! Time for 1v1 battle training!" I smiled and followed her to the dome.
"Whoa... It's huge" I gasped. It was a huge circle but it had nothing. "The sorting for the battle is now taking place. "The speaker announced. I looked around and saw that jerk. I looked away and looked at the board. "First hero... is.... Alex Evozar!" I smiled and stepped into the arena. My friends clapped as I walked in, except  BlackFeather, of course. "The second hero is.... BlackFeather!" He groaned and stepped in. "Why do I have to fight this noob?" He chuckled. I stared at him as he pulled out his sword. "The fight begins in 3,2,1,go!" The moderator yelled into the speaker. BlackFeather ran and stabbed me with his sword. I tried to dodge but it was to fast. I backed up and tried to get some distance, but he ran so much faster. I saw that I was leaving a rose trail. I panicked and cast the ice shower in front of him. He was slowed heavily and I got range. The moment he tried to shoot some kind of beam at me, I shot my fire dart straight at him. His suit burned a little, but no serious damage. He got mad and did some kind of dance. He danced and cutting his sword through motion. My shirt ripped and pieces of them fell on the floor. The rest of my shirt were soaked in blood. Taka was yelling in protest of bullying me. "Don't tell me that you are that weak. That was just a taste. He cut again. This time, he missed every single one of his attack.I closed my eyes. Once again, I saw the leaf gliding downwards. I heard steps and knew BlackFeather was running towards me. It was race against him. As soon as it touched the ground, the whole arena exploded. "Ahh!!!" BlackFeather screamed and was pushed back. I channeled all my energy in exchange and summoned three tornados. Except all 3 of them are seeking BlackFeather. He tried to run but was caught. He must have been dizzy because he couldn't walk straight. I took advantage and shoot darts at him while he was stunned and was feeling better every second. I eventually calmed down and saw that he was unconscious. The moderator said " Alex is the glorious champion this arena duel!" Everyone cheered. I saw Ardan clapping on the other side of the arena. I beamed at him.
(Time skip)
I made my way to the Royal hall and everyone kept complimenting me. I just smiled and went to sit down. "Hey well done Alex! You really knocked BlackFeather off his feet!" Celeste cheered. I beamed and saw Kestrel walking towards me "DONT ACT NERVOUS YOU IDIOT!!!" My mind was yelling. "Nice win!" She smiled. "Than-thanks" I manage to find that word. We ate lunch together before the announcement came up. It said " tomorrow will be the battle for the halcyon fold. Please prepare yourselves" many bursted into excitement. I couldn't help but feel nervous and excited (most likely Kestrel).
So yeah guys! This is the end of part 4. Sorry for the delay. I promise I will upload one tomorrow or the day after. This took a lot of time cause it comes from my head, of course. Please tell me if you have any idea of who to ship and comment it! Also, add this book to your library and make sure to follow me so you get notified if I published a new part. Anyways that's it for now and have a super duper delicious day! :)

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