Chapter 8: The Framed Jedi

Start from the beginning

The youngling finished gathering and nodded firmly to her before yanking her bags onto her back. The older one took the remaining ones and they sprinted out the petite house. In the woman's hand was a small cylinder with a red button on top, yet she didn't press it. Not yet.

Reaching a small hover car, the bags were tossed into the back seat just as white-clad men rounded the corner. The two individuals pulled the hoods of their cloaks firmly over their heads and sped off in the car, whilst the soldiers entered the house, turning it over. Had they been faster, they may have noticed the small grey spheres flashing. But it was too late.

The house exploded.

"Azulia..." the voice was distant.

Flames licked the walls of the street.

"Azulia!" It was there again.

People ran in terror.


"Azulia!" The voice yelled. I jumped awake and my fist automatically made a connection with someone's face.  "OW!!!!" Ezra yelled, on the floor.  My eyes drew wide as I realised what I'd done and I jumped up, helping him up as quick as was possible.

"Oh my goodness! What were you playing at Ezra!" I yelled.

"What am I playing at? I'm not the person who just uppercut someone!" He retorted, but accepted my hand. He rubbed his cheek and flexed his jaw. "Geez, you pack a punch." He groaned.

I looked down sheepishly. "Sorry. Why did you wake me anyway?" I asked. The scanners didn't indicate that there was any system nearby. From what I could tell, we were still in the same place as when I'd fallen asleep.

"You were muttering in your sleep. Something about Eala and five minutes. Anyway, you were tossing and turning as if you were having a nightmare, so I thought it better to wake you." He muttered giving me a questioning look. "Who's Eala?"

"No-one." I replied shortly. I didn't want to talk about this. It was meant to stay in the past.

"Well, they're someone." He pressed.

"It doesn't matter." I insisted.

"It does if it gives you nightmares!"

"I don't want to talk about it Ezra! It's in the past now." I muttered.

He gave me a concerned look, but I said nothing. I'd spent years trying to forget about the bits of my past that I could remember. I turned my back on it so that it wouldn't hurt. So that I wouldn't hurt. And suddenly, it was all coming back and I wondered wether I could handle it. I'd tried reflecting on my past before and it had only left me wounded.

"How long until I'm gone?" I said quietly.

"Hera's fixing the co-ordinates now." He replied.

So this was my last chance to say something to Ezra. Today, would probably be the last tine that I see him. Ever. And here I was, shutting him out.

"Thank you." I said.


"Thank you. For bringing me here, for showing me all of this. For just giving me a chance." I laughed lightly. "No-one's ever given me a chance before. And, I cannot repay you for that. No matter how many times you get shot by a probe." I gave him a grin. He smiled in return, but I could tell that he was hurt that I didn't tell him about the dream. I suppose that I would be to. I sighed. "And I'm sorry too. I know that you're trying to help, but... You don't get it. I've spent a long time, turning my back on the past. Just moving forwards. I know that not knowing drives you insane. It does with me too, but I just..." I trailed off, my tongue turning to lead. Ezra looked at me hard.

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