Envy raced forward while Alphonse calmly continued to walk down the halls.

Envy literally pushed me aside then put his hands on the handles to through open both the doors in rage.

But instead Edward kicked them open. His booted foot landed on Envy's chest. This through him backwards and into the wall. Envy hit the hard surface and left a in dent as he fell to the ground.

The fresh scent of blood filled my nose as it lingered out of the room.

I took a quick peak inside Winry held her neck as she breathed heavily.

" Zero help her" Ordered Alphonse rarer calmly.

I rushed over to her. My 'orders' kept me from killing her.

~Edward's pov

Zero rushed in the room to help Winry. I didn't stop him because I knew that he was helping her. But what bugged me was it was because of Alphonse's orders.

I rounded the corner, but then stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Alphonse's standing there with a slight grin on his face.

" I should have known that you would escape" he said in a monotone. He sounded a little angry at himself for underestimating me.

I didn't want waste words on him. I raced forward and aimed a kick to break his jaw. But he qui King side stepped and avoided my attack. I landed on my feet without a problem.

Alphonse looked as if I was in-worthy to fight with. He keeps playing defence. Without hesitation I threw a punch to his gut hoping to wind him. But he caught my fist and held it in his strong grasp. He held if so tightly that I swear he was nearly breaking my fingers. I tried to swipe under with my other hand in the hopes to get him to release me. But he caught my forearm. My metal one. He had me. He had both my arms all I could do now was kick. But if if I tried that it would unbalance me since I would be on one foot. Then he could leg sweep and have me on the ground. But at this point it was my only option. I had to go with it.

I tried to kick him with my steel leg, maybe it would do more damage. I was wrong.
When my foot connected with his shied he didn't even flinch. It was like I kicked a cement wall. I widened my eye at his stone cold ones.

Then Al brushed aside my arms and leg swept my feet. I fell on my ass. Alphonse went to walk away but I quickly got up and with my metal foot kicked him in the head. Well I tried to anyway. With some fancy footwork he had. Al pinned me to the wall using his forearm to hold my neck up against the wall.

He looked up into my eyes. To my right I herd Envy get up and groan. Al looked to Envy. Using his distraction for a diversion I slugged him in the jaw with my right hand. He stumbled back holding his jaw. " Damn you" I herd him mutter under his breath.

I reached forward and kicked him share in the face with my metal foot. Al was knocked back again. His head it the wall and I herd a crack.

" No!" I herd Envy shout.

Before I could react Envy dashed towards me. I didn't feel his arm that he had turned into a double sided metal blade pierce my side. But I knew I was injured. Envy shoved it in further.

" How dare you hurt him" Envy harshly whispered while he looked into my golden eyes with glaring purple ones.

Since I had just had human blood I was healing quite fast after Envy pulled his arm out to rush over to Alphonse.

I fell to my knees holding my side. I saw the pools of blood accumulating around me. I would die soon.

Alphonse stood up looking at me with an annoyed expression.
I knew that look. Well at least I had learnt it. This was not good.

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