The beginning

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~Third person pov

Edward stumbled through the rain filled night. The full moon shone down on him as he rested on a brick wall. Blood poured from his wounds. He panted confused of his surroundings. He herd screams of a small male child. He couldn't tell where they were coming from.

At this point in time Ed was only 12. His long hair was filled with rain. His clothes were soaked as it continued to pour down into the night.

Ahead he saw a light. He stumbled faster. He fell over a rock. When Ed managed to sit on his feet. He gripped the wall. He saw his red blood as it mixed with the clear rain. Panting he attempted to scream for help. But only a small squeak came out. He was so tried and confused. You could say he was in a trace. He felt another presence above him.

He looked up to see a boy about the same age as him. He had short grey hair. He looked into his purple eyes. He boy seemed to have not empathy for the struggling person in front of him.

Edward reached out for help. The grey haired boy leant down to his level. He put a gentle hand on Ed's face. Edward was relieved that some one was going to help him.

He looked into the kind boys eyes.

But Ed froze when the boy's eyes turned a glowing red. Edward tried to shuffle away. But he was weak from blood loss. He was pulled forward.

He felt his fangs price his skin. He struggled. But his vision blurred as he lost more blood. He became more weaker.He herd the boy swallowing his blood. He watched the rain helpless to what was happening.

His vision blurred more. He saw another figure behind the pair of them. He had blond hair and glasses. He herd sirens as he closed his eyes.

He reached out his hand to the blond haired man.
" Help" he whispered to him.

He eyes closed and he fell into internal darkness.

His mind only thought of one thing.

~this sign means point of view change or time skip
Edward's pov

When I was finally able to open my eyes I realized I was being carried. I was in a strong males arms. I looked up to him. I saw the same figure I did when I closed my eyes. He looked down at me through his glasses.

The rain still poured as the night dragged on. My head was some what clearer now.

The man looked like he was about to say something when I blinked. He stopped walking. He looked surprised.

He started to tell something to the person next to him. I couldn't make out what he was saying. I saw so weak. I was barely holding on. I struggled to stay awake.

I got passed to a taller mans arms. I saw the other man and a grey haired boy next to him. He was the one that bit me. I herd my heart beat faster. I froze. I let the taller man carry me away. I looked up to him. He had a eye patch on his eye. His dark hair fell over his face. His cow boy hat sheltered his face from the rain.

I blinked again and the same thing happened. He froze but continued walking.

" You poor boy" he said in his deep rough voice.

All of a sudden I felt stronger. I rolled out of the mans strong grip. I took in the environment around me.

Trees lined were the brick ended. Tall buildings surrounded me. Hardly any lights were on. When I turned back to the man he saw pointing a shot gun at me.

I was so confused. I remembered hardly anything. I didn't even know were I was. I felt the rain pelt down on me as I continued to pant.

The guy was a threat at the moment. On instinct I charged at him. As I neared him he readied his weapon.

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