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Three years later.
Edward is now 15.

~Edward's point of view

Three years have pasted. I have been isolated from the humans because of my thirst. And I refused to interact with another vampire expect Zero. He was okay I guess. Three years have pasted and I still get glimpses of what my memory was. I know that I have a brother and a mother. And there is a girl with blonde hair. Winry I think it was. I would go looking for them but I don't know where or who they are exactly.

I stood on the highest building of the school. It was midnight. I usually sleep during the night. But I had a night mare of a pale white being. He has no features. I have come to call this creature truth. I know that truth took my leg. That's why I have steel one. But im still not sure why I have a steel arm.

I know what I perform is alchemy. The head master says that some vampires have powers. Like ice or fire. He says that my alchemy is mine. But I know it's not. I know that almost anyone can learn it. And to be honest I don't really understand it yet. I don't remember enough to understand it.

I looked up at at the clear dark blue sky. The moon shone down on me. I found it peaceful this time of night. The wind blew and shook my hair around my face. I had it in my usual plat. It feels natural this way. I woke the black uniform. Just to blend in with the school.

I herd the trap door that led to the roof open.

" I knew I would find you here" said Zero as he got out of the trap door.

I kept staring out into the distance. I wasn't ignoring him. I was still listening.

" The head master wants to talk to you" he said while he came over.

" Why?" I asked.

" I don't know" he answered me.

I looked at him as he stopped next to me. His face still haunts me whenever I see it. I remember the first time we met. My first brush with a vampire. His red eyes. And the sound of him swallowing my blood. I will forever hear that in my ears.

We're still not sure how I became a vampire. I don't know my self. It's not like I can remember.

" Hey!" I herd Zero yell next to me.

I jumped slightly.
" Huh?".

He put his hand in his pocket.
" Stop spacin out. It's creepy" he said.

I looked up at the white moon.
Then down at the grass below me.
" I will go see what the head master wants" I said.

I went to jump off the roof onto the grass below. I had gotten used to being a vampire. So I could do things like this without getting hurt.

What stopped me was Zero. He grabbed my arm.

I looked back into his purple eyes.
" What now?" I asked.

" What if someone saw you. Like one of that day class students. They always like to snap pictures of the night class. People don't go jumping off of roof tops" he said walked back to the trap door.
" At least act human, a little" he said his hands still in his pockets.

I nodded and walked over then jumped down the trap door hole.

I landed on the steps of a winding stair case. I was dark the only light came through small windows.

Zero walked past me. He being the one who walked faster.


I knocked on the door of the head masters office.
" Hello? You wanted to see me?" I said through the door. I was alone because Zero went to do his guardian job or whatever.

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