The collective

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~Edward's pov

"Because we are more powerful than you" he told me.

His arm was on my neck still. I was having trouble breathing. I became to get weaker and stopped struggling so much. Black spots started to cloud my vision.

He realized this and released me. I fell to the ground coughing and gasping for air. In tmy blurry vision saw Al glance back at me with angry eyes then leave taking the others with him.

It took me a few minutes to pull myself together. Then I stood with the help of the wall.

What do I do now? He is gonna do something bad....

I new help!

Who wasn't under his say?
Zero! He Is not under his control.

I started to run. I turned the cornea opposite to the one Al went down.

I sprinted.through door and down hallways. The tension in the air was very heavy.
The school was empty save for Yuki and all the vampires.

I started to jog as I approached his door.

I tried to turn the nob but it was locked. I smelt Yuki's blood. I banged on the door.
" Zero open this damn door!" I shouted. Its not like anyone could hear me. The school was almost empty.

He opened the door with a annoyed face.
" What the hell do u wa-" he started to ask but he stopped when he saw my face.

" I smell Yuki's blood" I said as I panted from running so fast. He glanced behind him and stepped out then closed the door behind him.

He rubbed his neck not really knowing what to say.
" Um, I." he sighed and sort of gave up on trying to explain.

I put a hand on his shoulder.
" I know you have been drinking blood from Yuki to stay alive. I'm okay with it. But the what's important is, is she okay?" I asked.

He looked surprised at my bluntness.
" Yes. She is resting on my bed right now. I made her eat and drink water" he told me.

I felt the heaviness in the air become more powerful.

Zero looked back at me.
" What's wrong?" he asked.

" Don't you feel that presence in the air? We have to get out of here. I don't know what's about to happen but whatever it is it's bad" I said frantically.

Zero having herd this opened the door as fast as he could. I ran in first. I looked on the bed. The white sheets where scattered. But she wasn't there.

Zero ran up behind me.
" Where us she?" he asked.

I felt a cold flow of air. I looked up to see the window open. I smelt the fresh scent of Yuki's blood flowing in the soft wind.

" She has been kidnapped" I said looking out it.

~Yuki's pov

I felt weightless. Like I was being carried. I opened my eyes to see Kaname's face above me. I was in his arm while he was running through the forest.

" Kaname?" I asked him.

He looked down at me with a blank expression.
" It's okay" is all he told me.

I rubbed my eyes.
" Wha?" I as all I could muster out. I was so confused about everything.

We stopped in a small clearing. He put me down near a big oak tree. The moonlight burst through some gaps in the trees leaves.

" Yuki, I know that you have been having violent dreams. I know that you have been craving blood" he said as he took a step towards me.

" Yes" I said agreeing with him. It was true. I took step backwards because I had a feeling that what he was about to do I wouldn't like.

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