He is my Brother

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~Edward's point of view

I laid on top of my sheets as the rain poured outside.
Images flashed in my mind of what had happened two hours ago.

'I'm a walking talking pholosipheres stone'. Alphonse's voice rang out through my ears.

He was a humonculus the very thing I hate.

A stroke of lighting shone in the small window from outside.

I clenched my fists. Al had told me silently to sell to everyone that they were both my brothers. Envy and Alphonse. But I liked the truth that only one was my brother.

A soft knock sounded at my door. I didnt move for I could sense who stood outside the door.

Zero walked in a closed the door behind him. He shoved his hands in his pockets. Then leant on the door. He tried to act casual. But I knew what he was doing. He was blocking the only entrance.

The room was silent. That was until he spoke up.
" I know the black haired on is not your brother" he told me.
" But I could tell that the other is".

I didnt say anything. He had figured it out I hadn't told him. But I couldn't tell him anymore. I didn't want to hurt Winry.

Zero closed his eyes.
" I know they have something that keeps you from talking. But I don't know what. But I want you to know that.... Just watch your back okay!" he said as he exited.

I looked out the window as I sat up.
What was I going to do now?

~Alphonse's point of view

Me and Envy both sat in our dark dorm room.

Envy played with a knife while he laid on the bed. I leant up against the wall.

" Your brother I know will prove to be bothersome" Envy said not taking his eyes off his sliver weapon.

I nodded slightly.
" Yes that is correct. He is very stubborn. But he will learn to follow orders" I told Envy.
" Then he will become one of us. Him and everyone else in this school".

Envy sat up and threw the knife down. It stuck in the wood.
" What If he dosent?" Envy asked.

I smiled while I looked out the window.
" He will. Either that or we get to have some fun and spill some blood". I smiled at Envy. Envy smiled back at me.

" Ever killed a vampire before?" Envy asked holding his cheeks with his palms and resting his elbows on his legs.

I looked over to him from staring at the pouring rain outside.
" No, but I imagine it will be more difficult then killing a human" I told him." But I have no desire to kill one of the vampires here" I said.

" What?! They are just like humans! Arnt they?" Envy objected.

" I have to tell you Envy they are not. The two species are very much different" I told him.

He stood up and put his hands on his hips.
" How so?".

I continuously started out the window at the poring rain.
" Well for example. Human have love, trust and passion-".

"Everything I hate about them" mumbled Envy.

I honored his comment and continued.
" But Vmapires do not have those qualities. At least not much of them. They find it very hard to care for anyone besides themselves. The only easy way for them to care about anyone is if they bow down to a pureblood. In which they have no choice to care about there ruler. They can't care about humans. Every time they see a human they fill with rage. For no good reason"I stopped and smiled a little while I looked at Envy.
" In a way they are very much like you".

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