Two more

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~Zero's point of view

I wandered through the forest we had spanned out to find Edward and Winry. We didn't know if they were together or apart. But we knew we had to find them.

I smelt blood in the air. But I didn't know whose it was. I had never smelt it before. I wasn't even sure it they were from this country. The blood here was strong. But not sweet. This one was really sweet.

It got stronger as I got closer. Then I stepped out from behind a tree. But I quickly ducked back. I saw Ed kissing a girl. She had blonde hair. She also had a bite mark on her neck.

Did Ed bite her?

My eyes turn red and I had to retreat do I wouldn't hurt them. I was a vampire also. I herd one sentence before I ran away.

" I love you to Winry" I herd Edward say.

That was the last thing I herd before I reached one of the school pathways.

I saw the others. They saw me. The tall boy in black ran up to me.
" Did you find them? Are they both okay?" he asked.

I nodded while I panted from running.
"Oh there alright. I think they're better than alright" I told them with smirk on my face.

" What the hell is that meant to mean!" yelled Mustang.

" Calm down" I told him.
" There fine but I think they need some private time" I said glancing behind me. I looked at the three. Hawkeye, Mustang and the head master.

I think they realized what I meant.

~Winry's point of view

I pulled away from Ed. He looked down on me.
" You're so tall now. Taller than me" I said as I looked up into his golden eyes.

He smiled at me.
" I remember telling you that someday I would be taller than you" he said.

I hugged him. I didn't care if he was a vampire. He was still Edward. My Edward.

I bent my neck back to look up at him. But then my neck started to hurt.
" Ah" I whispered in pain.

Edward looked me in the eyes.
" Are you okay?" he asked me.

I nodded. But then the world started to spin around me. My vision started to blur.
I felt myself falling into Edward. He caught me in his strong arms.

~Edward's point of view

I caught Winry as she fell. I saw the wound on her neck.
" You've lost to much blood" I told her.

She seemed hazy. She blinked and tried to keep her eyes open. But they slowly closed as she fell asleep.

I picked her up bridal style. It was still pouring with rain. I rain toward voices. Hopefully they could point me to the sick bay. I didn't actually know where it was. I had never been there.

Me and her were soaked as I ran. I stepped in puddles as we followed the voices.

I ran onto the path and saw four people. The head master. Roy, Riza and Zero.

" Help!" I shouted.

The first person to reach us was Roy.

" What happened?" asked Roy.

I put her down on the ground.
"She was bitten" I started to explain.

Roy grabbed my shoulder tightly.
" By who?" he asked. Clearly asking if I bit her.

" No it wasn't me. It was Idou" I told him. He released my shoulder.

He nodded while Riza pressed a cloth onto her neck. I loved Winry too much to crave her. But Zero, he was another story.

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