New, people?

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~Zero's point of view

I gasped at the little girl I saw in front of me. she had sliver hair and pink eyes. She smiled at me.
" How are you my little pet?" she repeated again.

I clenched my jaw. I immediately pulled my weapon. I pointed the gun straight at her.

She had no scared reaction to this.
" Is that any way to reunite two old friends?" she asked in her little girls voice. Even though she looked sweet. I knew what laid underneath. The voice pierced my eyes like loud music.

" How said I was your friend?" I asked my voice razor sharp.
She frowned slightly. Then her eyes narrowed a little. I knew I could make that fatal blow to her. But I could at least hit her. So I adjusted my aim to hit her leg.

A whooshing noise was herd behind me. I felt a cold sharp blade presented up against my neck. Some one behind me was holding it.

" Don't even think about it" the deep boys voice said. It seemed familiar. He sounded about my age as well.

I looked into the little girls eyes. When her flicked to the boy behind me. I knew that look.

" Ichiru?" I asked.

~Alphonse's point of view

I saw Edward leap for Winry. He was only to but her. I was about to get up to hold him back. Winry didnt deserve this.

But I froze as I saw what was happening. Edward hugged her. As not to bite her. But embrace her affectionately.

I didn't understand. Why wasn't he killing her? Drinking her dry? He was a vampire. And he was thirsty.

Either his red eyes had faded or he was controlling himself. He did it much better than the other vampire Zero Yiryu.

As he opened his eyes I saw that they still glowed red. He was controlling himself.

Edward could reach Winry with his restrained arm. He pulled at it.
But he couldn't brake it, could he?

with one swift movement of his arm he broke some of the wall off to take Winry in both arms. The bolted end still hung onto the brick. But it was the brown brick that broke under the force.

I was slightly surprised at his strength. I mean I could easily do that because of the strengths had from being a humonculus. But him. He was a vampire. A mere vampire...
They don't have strength like I do. They could never do that. Only pure blood can do that and Ed isn't a pureblood. What made him so strong?.

I stood Joan's broke the shackle that held my wrist instead of breaking the wall.

I walked over to Envy who held held out his wrist. I easily broke his shackle to.

Ed stood up still holding Winry. They were more in love then I had thought. Ed held out his wrist for me to break.

I took hold of it and crushed it in one hand.he smiled at me with thanks. He let go off Winry but still held her small of her back.

" Let's get outta here. What do you say?" I asked the three.

They knew what I meant. They all smiled showing there evil side.

Winry walked up to me. I expected a slap. But she threw herself over me. She hugged me and hard as she could.

I was stunned. Being a humonculus I had no feelings and I was confused as to what she was doing.

But I hugged her back anyway. She let me go.
"Can I come with?" she asked leaning back on Ed's arm.

She was the only one that was not a supernatural being.

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