"Paaaaaaaatrick!" Pete moans around 15 minutes after we ordered the pizzas. "Peeeeete" I say back with a smile. "Go get the pizza" He asks while pouting like a child. "You're so lazy" I say before getting up to get my shoes. "Hey, I'm not going to get pizza, that's what friends are for" Pete says trying to stand up for himself. "More like slaves" Brendon says, also putting on shoes. "Whatever, I didn't want the pizza anyway!" Pete yells and we all look at him, knowing he's lying.

I sit back down, since Pete doesn't want this pizza there's no point in me moving. As soon as he sees me sitting he yells. "I WAS KIDDING, NOW GO GET ME PIZZA" Everyone laughs. Typical Pete.

Right then Anna walks into the room sleepy. "Stoooop with all the yelling" She moans before sitting next to Dallon. "PATRICK GO!" Pete yells again, seriously wanting his pizza.

I walk out the bus door and Brendon follows.

Anna's POV
Once Patrick and Brendon leave the yelling stops. But with an occasional whine of Pete, complaining about being hungry and that Patrick and Brendon are taking too long.

There's kind of an awkward silence in the room. I guess I haven't really had a proper conversation with anyone in this room since I left the hospital. I want to break the silence but I don't want to be the one to do it. Eventually Dallon does it for me. "Can we stop being quiet, it's uncomfortable" He says. I completely 100% agree with that. Still nobody talks. I start to feel awkward and unwanted in this room.

I look down at my wrists and notice I'm not wearing Patrick's cardigan anymore. Well that explains the silence. I look beside me to Dallon then get up and silently walk back to the bunks. I wasn't expecting anyone to follow me. I quickly jump back into my bunk and wipe away the tears that started to form in my eyes. Dallon soon follows me.

"What are you doing?" I ask, not really used Dallon comforting me. "You look like you need a hug" He says. That all I need. I wrap my arms around him not caring that I'm not that close with him. Once I pull away Dallon asks if I'm okay. "I could lie and say yes, but you'll know that's a lie" I say. I shouldn't be fine and I'm not.

Dallon looks down at my wrists and picks up my arms. "Anna, you need to stop this. It's not only hurting you but especially Patrick" I've heard it all before. I quickly find Patrick's cardigan and put it back on to cover my arms. I look at Dallon's blurry face and remember that I took my contacts out sometime this morning. "Dallon can you grab my glasses for me" I ask not being able to see them. Once I have them on, I can finally see Dallon properly. He looks concerned but not annoyed like Patrick was earlier.

"I didn't know you wore glasses" He says smiling. "I usually wear contacts" I reply smiling back. Dallon has a smile that is contagious, you can't help but smile when he is.

"So Brallon" I say remembering that I successfully set them up, it being one of the last things I was going to do. "I can't thank you enough for that, Brendon is adorable and I couldn't make the first move on him" Dallon smiles while he thinks of Brendon. Aww.
"I told myself making it happen would be the last thing I did, I had to make it happen" I say frowning a little bit. I wanted Brendon to be happy. At least if he didn't have me, he'd have Dallon.

After like 20 minutes of talking, we hear Pete yell from the other room. "WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG, IM DYING HERE" Well I guess the pizza is here.

Dallon jumps off the bunk and starts to head back to get something to eat. When he notices I don't follow, he gets concerned. "Aren't you coming" He asks. "Don't feel like eating, plus I don't wanna go back out there" I say honestly, I feel awkward around everyone now and I don't know what to do about it. "You know Patrick will come and get you to" I nod and Dallon leaves.

Almost seconds later Patrick walks in. "There's pizza out here" He says awkwardly. "I know, not hungry" Am I meant to be annoyed at Patrick? He yelled at me for not getting better fast enough. That's bad. Right? "Please eat, just one slice?" Patrick asks trying to help. Is he trying to make up for what happened before? Either way I just agree to eat, it's easier than fighting or arguing with him, or anybody.

Once all of the pizza is eaten, mainly by Pete, everyone heads over to the venue to get ready. And I'm forced to follow along. I grab my phone and earphones so I won't get bored.

Everyone gets sorted while I lay face down on the couch while listening to Twenty One Pilots on full volume. Eventually I get woken by Patrick saying that they're about to perform and reminding me to stay in here.

As soon as Patrick walks out of the room, all of Panic! walks in. I guess they're being serious when they say I'm not allowed to be alone, not even for a minute.

I flip over so I can see everything that is happening. Brendon is walking over to me and siting on my stomach. I hide my pain as he sits on healing cuts. Dallon must of noticed that I was trying to hide it and tells Brendon to get off me. "Thank you, now I can actually breathe" I say.

Dallon ends up sitting down in front of the couch and Brendon rests his head in Dallon's lap. So I decide to do the same thing to Brendon. "Oh hi" He says once I lay down. "Hi" I say before putting my earphones back in. Soon Brendon starts to run his fingers through my hair, making me relax and feel sleepy. Soon enough I fall asleep with my head still in Brendon's lap.

Half an hour later I'm woken by Brendon telling me that he has to go get ready. Even with the way everyone sorted out tonight, there would still be times when I'm alone. Even if it's for like 10 minutes. Not bothering to move, I put my earphones back in and fall asleep again on the ground.

Then around 1 hour later I am woken again, by Patrick again. "We have a meet and greet in 10" He says sitting next to me. "Do I have to go" I say while pausing my music. Patrick nods. "But it will just be fans being all fangirly" I pout. "You were like that when you first meet us" Patrick says smiling. "But now you guys are boring" I say smiling now as well.

Eventually Patrick helps me up and we both head over to where the meet and greet is. As we walk past the lines of hundreds of fans, they scream for Patrick. Tonight is going to be a long night.

Patrick's POV
Once everyone is ready one of our security guys lets the first people in. We usually have around a few minutes with each person, it's a short time but there's so many people to get through.

Anna is awkwardly sitting in the corner just watching everyone. Occasionally getting asked to take a photo but usually just rolling her eyes when someone says something stupid or annoying.

About half way through we have a small break. Just to rehydrate. Then straight back into it. Luckily we don't do this at every concert otherwise we'd get tired fast.

I recognise a few of the fans from previous concerts but no one really stood out. Well that until the flirty barrister turns up. I didn't think she'd actually come. "Why hello Patrick, I told you I'd see you tonight" She says while looking me up and down. Saying that I feel uncomfortable is an understatement. "Why didn't you call me, we could of had some fun before the concert" she whispers not that quietly while winking.

Anna's attention was now on the barrister, who's name I still don't know. Pete and Brendon are both speechless. "By the way, my name's Elisa" She. Elisa says before posing for a picture. And then I didn't think tonight could get any worse, I was wrong.

Elisa arm was annoyingly around my waist. As we all were fake smiling for the camera, she dropped her hand lower and squeezed my ass. "Times up" Our security guy says before walking out to get the next person. "Can't wait till we're alone, Stump" She says trying to be seductive, kissing my cheek on the way past.

As soon she's left, everyone looks at me confused. Except for Anna, she's hurt and looks like she's on the verge of tears.

I have a lot of explaining to do later.

Save Me Because I Can't Save Myself (Patrick Stump)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن