Vanished Into Thin Air: Chapter 5

Start from the beginning

“How did you get these? I mean it would have been sweet of you to skip class to get them for me but it would be extremely unnecessary.” I replied looking at his smiling, happy face.He even laughed when I asked that. I mean I don’t know how he felt about the matter of skipping classes but I though it was no laughing matter.

“I didn’t skip class, I just, made a few calls. Begged my big brother to pick them up at the florist in the next town and get them here for you. No biggy, all I have to do now is my brother’s laundry for a mouth.” I laughed, the though of a guy willing to do extra laundry for a mouth to bring me a beautiful arrangement of flower at lunch seemed, strange to me. In Florida, I though Jaime was the luckiest girl in the whole wide world, because guys would always do cute and sweet things like that for her. I smiled at Tyler then another voice came up behind me.

“Hello Sam,” David said look at me then nodding to Tyler, “Tyler.” Tyler’s bright smile turned into a scowl. “May I sit with you two today?”

“Actually, we had something planed for this afternoon at lunchtime, so I’m so sorry but you can’t sit with us.” Tyler replied wittily. It looked like Tyler was going to leap across the table and tackle David like he does to the opposite team in football. David just looked at me with a pleading look on his face, and I gestured him with hand to take a sit.David sat to close to me than friends’ should sit next to each other.

“So, Sam,” David said looking me right in the eyes. Even thought he was a ghost his eyes green eyes looked so really. I could see the sight discoloration at the rim of his irises then the color that was a mixture of white and light green turned into a dark evergreen color around his pupil. This was the first time I had ever been so close to him. He looked like an airbrushed model on the cover of a magazine. I could see every strand of his jet black hair that stood up right. I could see every small tiny pore on his snow white face. He was more breath taking then ever before. “Did your mother tell you that I was coming over today and helping her with the garden? She suggested that you and I do our homework together.” It was like the words that came out of David’s mouth didn’t register in my brain until like two minutes later when he asked again. I looked over at Tyler his scowl changed into the most intense scowl I have ever seen before.He looked like an evil wizard casting a spell on his enemy using his mind. I know totally weird description and don’t ask how I know that. Let just say, Jamie set me on a double date and my date picked the movie.

“No my mom didn’t tell me that, and me and Tyler where planning to do our homework at my house before we go to the dinner. Do you think you can reschedule?” I asked trying to not get Tyler worked up, so he would not leap across the table and strangle David.

“Nope this is the only time your mom can work on the garden before she starts looking for a job. So, maybe I could join you two?” David asked grinning at me. He knew he could get anything from me if he just smiled his breath-taking smile. I glanced back at Tyler who just sat there amazed as if he already knew that I was going to say “Yes” to David’s request. I looked back at David and nodded giving him the answer he was looking for.

“Ok. Great. So, I will see you guys after school,” He announced his victory and leaped up from the table almost as if he flew over the bench that he was momentarily sitting on. “Oh Sam, thank you so much.” David took my hand in his and lifted it up to his pale lips and kissed it. I guess that David is European or something, because in America I know it’s not right to kiss a girl’s hand in front of a guy who, according to Jaime, so totally likes her.

“Unbelievable. I can’t believe he would walk over here tell us he had plans to come over to your house and help your mother. He is not going reschedule because he wants to ruin our plans. If David sees something he likes, he goes after it. But, if he doesn’t well he goes after it. Just like a spooled little brat.” Tyler hissed.I bit down on my tongue so that I wouldn’t protest against Tyler’s comment. I knew that if someone other than me knew, then it would be like one of those movies where the town people try to exterminate the super-natural being. I knew that if I told someone then, either David would have to leave Localville forever, or be killed.My heart sank as I though about me being the cause of David’s death, and I knew then that I had to carry this secret to the grave with me.

“Well, I better take these flowers to my locker before the bell rings. Thank you, Tyler. I’ll see you after class.” I said and got up and quickly walking to my locker, because I knew that Tyler would come after me if I didn’t. I placed the flower on the top shelf in my locker and closed the locker. When I closed it someone was there, but it was not David. It was Gina standing there with the sourest look on her face.

“Sam. Can I call you that? Of course I can. Lision I raised this school, I gave it its greatness. I made the cheerleading team go to nations and win. I made the football team go underfed though out the whole season last year.Now, that your head cheerleader, I just want to warn you. You’re in uncharted territory.Territory that belonged to me, and I’m the only one who can tame it.Oh, and good luck, I’ll need it.” Gina turned on the balls of her feet and started to strut to her next class. At the door that speared the locker hallway for the class, she turned half way, studying me for head to toe, then began to laugh a witch’s laugh and finshed strutting back to her class.I stood there stunned, until David came down the hallway to get his books. David gently shook me with his arm while his other arm was digging around his locker for his reading book.

“Sam, what is wrong?” David asked looking square in the eye, because he found his reading book.

“I just had a very interesting conversation with Gina.” I said, while he handed me my reading book, because I guess he knew my locker combination.And we walked to class together, while things registered in my brain. Gina hated me for, (one) I have a pretty good change with David if I wanted one, (two) I took her spot as head cheerlead, and (three) I have a pretty good change of becoming the most popular girl in the school. Tyler hated David because (one) he acts like a ladies man, (two) he thinks he a brat, and (three) David is acting a little too friendly toward me, and I guess that Tyler called dibs on me or something.Finally school was over, and I didn’t have to come back here till the weekend.So, I walked down the street between two people. On my left was a normal happy-go-lucky boy, on my right was a ghost that lost everything a person could lose, and need my help.


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