Harry bad stomach flu

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"I don't know Niall it's been four days and he doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm really worried."

"Is he eating at all?" 

"Not anything solid. He can keep water and broth down, well, sometimes. But as soon as he tries to eat anything else he throws it right back up."

"Do you need anything?"

"I don't think so. I just don't know what to do. I've never seen him this sick."

"Have you tried like toast or crackers? That's always safe."

"He can't keep it down. Nothing like that. I don't know Ni. Something just isn't right."

"How are you doing?"

"I'm exhausted. The poor guy can't sleep. His fever spikes at night and he has nightmares. I spend most of the night trying to get it back down again. I don't think I've had a full nights sleep all week."

"Would you like me to come over? I can stay up with him if you need to sleep."

"That's really sweet Nialler, but I don't want to not be awake if something happens."

"Well I'll wake you up if something happens. You're going to get sick too if you don't let yourself get some rest." You sighed. Niall was right and you knew that. But you hated the thought of not being there if Harry needed you. 

"Alright Niall. Go ahead and come over. But you promise you'll wake me if something happens?"

"I promise, but you need to get some sleep love."

"You're the best Nailler."

"Anything to help. I'll come over tonight. Alright?"

"Sounds good. Thanks again. I'll see you tonight."

"Yep. Bye Y/N."

"Bye Niall." You hung up and sighed. You were exhausted and you really needed the sleep. You would do Harry no good if you got sick too. 

"Y/N," you heard Harry call. You got up and went into your bedroom. Harry sat up when he saw you. Y/N, I don't..." he was cut off by a gag and his stomach sent up what was in it covering himself and the blankets. 

"Aww Hazza. Baby come on." You got him out of bed and into the bathroom as quickly as you could. He rushed in with his hand over his mouth before dropping down just as the next round of vomit found it's way up his throat. You rubbed circles on his back until he was done. "You all done sweetheart?" 

"I think so." 

"Here buddy let's get you in the shower." You got him out of his soiled clothes and into the shower. To quickly took the blankets off the bed and into the washer and replaced the sheets. You then got Harry out and into some fresh clothes and back into bed.

"I'm sorry," he whimpered as tears popped to his eyes.

"No no Harry don't cry. It's alright buddy." You said down next to him and held him close trying to keep him calm. "Shh, shh Harry you're alright. it's ok buddy," you whispered to him. You got him calmed back down. "Lay back down buddy." You ran your fingers through his hair until his breathing evened out. You sighed when he was asleep again. You walked back out to the living room and sat on the couch. You shut your eyes for what seemed like two minutes the next thing you know someone was shaking you awake. You sat up quickly and were met by a pretty pair of blue eyes. 

"Hey love," Niall smiled sweetly. I knew you had to be tired. 

"Oh Niall. I'm sorry I didn't even hear you come in. 

"Don't worry about it. Lay back down and get some sleep. I just wanted you to know I was here." You smiled and nodded and laid back down on the couch and Niall covered you with a blanket. "I can't thank you enough Niall," you yawned. 

"Don't you worry. I'll wake you if anything goes wrong." You shut your eyes and you were immediately out. 


"Y/N," a distant voice called. "Y/N, wake up." You groaned a little and opened your eyes. You were not expecting what you saw. Niall had Harry cradled in his arms. Harry was very pale and he appeared to be unconscious.

"Niall what's going on?" you asked sitting up quickly.

"His fever got high so I was keeping cold rags on his head but it wasn't helping. He sat up just a bit ago and starting throwing up but..." You noticed Harry's shirt was stained a dark red color.

"Niall," you started. Your heart rate picked up quickly as you looked at your husband then back at Niall.

"We need to go to the hospital Y/N." Niall's voice was quiet and serious. That scared you more then anything. Niall was never the serious one.

"Niall. Is that blood?" you asked fearing for what the answer would be. He looked at you sadly. "Let's go!" You jumped up quickly and rushed out the door. Niall drove you both to the hospital and you got Harry inside as quickly as you could. They rushed him back in the ER to run some tests on him. "Niall your shirt." Niall looked down and saw his shirt was covered in blood too.

"Don't worry about it. I just hope he's ok," Niall sighed. You couldn't stop yourself for bursting into tears. Niall put his arm around you and held you close. You both waited patiently for the doctor to come back and get you.

"Styles?" the nurse called. You both stood up quickly and followed her back to a room where the doctor was waiting on you.

"Harry is alright you can relax," he started. You and Niall both sighed with relief. "It would appear he has a stomach ulcer. That's why he was vomiting blood all of sudden. It isn't too serious because we caught it early. His flu didn't help the situation any and that's is why he couldn't seem to shake it. We're going to keep him overnight and send you home with the right medicine and we'll get him fixed up in no time."

"Can we see him?" Niall asked. 

"Of course. Follow me." You followed the doctor back to Harry's room. He was hooked up to IV's and an oxygen medicine but he was awake. He smiled when you two walked in.

"Hey baby," he whispered. You sat down next to him and held his hand. Tears fell from your eyes. "Hey now, don't cry. I'm ok," he reassured you.

"I know, you just scared me half to death."

"I'm alright love." He looked up at Niall. "Hey Nialler. Thanks for helping us out." Niall smiled.

"I'm just glad you're ok Hazza."

"I'm just fine."

"Well in that case you owe me a new shirt." You and Harry both chuckled. 

"Niall I'll buy you two shirts," Harry joked.

"I'm holding you to that." Harry looked back at you.

"You can relax now. I'm alright."

"I love you so much Harry."

"I love you too Y/N." Harry stayed at the hospital that night and was released in the morning. You were given specific instructions on how to deal with the ulcer which you both followed carefully. Harry was back to his normal self in no time.  

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