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Light shown past the satin curtain in our chamber. I felt Gabriel's warm lips on my ribcage and his manhood poked at my bottom. "Gabriel what are you doing."I asked with a slight giggle. Gabriel looked into my eyes, his grey eyes foggy with sleep and his black hair tossed all over. "I am leaving soon."Gabriel stated as he wrapped me in his arms, the hair on his forearms rough against my sides. "The sun has barely risen."I chuckle playing with the scruff on his face. "We need as much time as possible to do what I wish to do to you."Gabriel responded as he seperated my thighs with his knee. For hours our bodies entertwined. Slowly and then quickly again. Our bodies became one but I still felt our hearts were far apart. As Gabriel put me to bed, he began to remove the covers from his body. "Gabriel come hold me."I whispered reaching out to him. His body stiffened. He then got out of the bed and started putting on his armor. "Did I do something wrong?"I questioned and rose into a sitting position on the bed. "I gave you what you wanted."Gabriel responded roughly. "I thought.."I replied in confusion. "We are not in love, breakfast has already began in the banquet hall."Gabriel retorted and then slammed the door to the chamber. I slowly removed myself from the bed. The essence of our sex still on the sheets. Why did I feel so dirty. Gabriel is my husband. I feel like a fool. For a complete moment I thought me and him had a chance at something. I put on a pink gown that was buried in a chest with the rest of my clothes. I tied my hair up into a braided bun. As I looked into the mirror my skin held a deep blush and glow. I walked into the banquet hall just as the food was being served by the servants. I sat down into the chair and my thighs tensed sorely. Gabriel avoided my gaze and held a conversation with some men that were at his side. "You have a glow to you today."Brenae giggled as she plucked a white grape into her mouth. "Surprsingly."Alexiye countered. "With all the noise that went on last night in their chambers, I doubt she got little sleep."Alexiye stated with a smug smirk. My face deepened with a red scarlette. I looked up to see Gabriel staring at me intensely. "Alaethiya, I need to speak to you."Gabriel stated as he got up from the seat. I followed him out into the hallway. As I passed a column Gabriel's large hands grabbed me into his body. "Seeing you blush like drives me insane."Gabriel admitted as he squeezed my thigh. I yanked my body from his embrace. "I am not your toy, you do not get to acknowledge me when you please."I stated folding my arms across my chest. Gabriel stared at me for what seemed eternity. He reached out to trace my cheek but I turned away from him. "I am sorry I can not give you the life you deserve."Gabriel responded softly. I looked into his grey eyes that burned with sadness. "I only wish one thing from you Gabriel, all I ask is for you to treat me with respect, to be my husband."I replied turning away from him. I locked myself into our chambers. An hour past of me sitting by the balcony in our chamber. A knock sounded on the door. "I am leaving now Alaethiya, promise me you will take care of yourself."Gabriel asked through the wooden door. "Goodbye Gabriel."I replied loud enough for him to hear.

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