Chapter 2 - Iced Hope

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"Why did you go this far?" Moon Asked "I was exploring and got lost" "Wait!" Moon yelled "Look down there" She looked towards two trees standing next to each other. "I went past those when i was looking for you" "Follow me" She said as she ran down the hill. "Wait!" Kaitou yelled "Your going to fa..." Kaitou slipped and fell down the rest of the hill before he could finish. "You okay?" Moon yelled down to him laughing. "Yea" Moon ran down looking around for the trees. "Over there hurry" She yelled as she ran towards the trees. "Almost there" she said "Wait!" Kaitou yelled "What?" She said "I see another wolf" "I think its Autumn!" Kaitou Yelled "What?"  "Look!" Kaitou yelled "Autumn!" Moon said "Autumn is that you?". They ran towards the wolf trying to find out if it was Autumn. "It is Autumn!" "Hey Autumn!" Kaitou yelled "What...Why are you guys out this far!" Autumn said "Kaitou got lost" "What are you doing out here?" Kaitou asked "Hunting" Autumn replied. "Come on lets get you guys back to the den.

Kaitou and Moon ran into the den shivering with snow all over then. "T..Thanks Autumn" Moon said "Okay guys lay down and get some sleep" Autumn whispered "Wait" "Yes Kaitou?" Autumn said "Can you stay...Please?" "Im sorry but i have to tell the Alpha what happened to Kate and Matt" "I thought you already did that" Kaitou said "No...just my family" "Okay goodnight Autumn" Moon said "Goodnight pups" She replied. Then she ran out of the den to talk to the Alpha. "Moon?" "Yes Kaitou?" "How did mom and dad die?" "I don't know" she whispered "Lets just not think about it" "Okay" Kaitou Replied. They both laid down and soon fell asleep.

"Wake up!" Autumn whispered to the pups "Kaitou, Moon its morning" "Guys?" She said "Hey, Wake up" she said as she grabbed Kaitou by the scruff of his neck awakening him. "What?" He said as he yawned "Its morning" she said "Oh...Moon wake up!" He yelled "Huh?" Moon said "Wake up". Autumn walked out of then den and brought back a rabbit she hunted. "Woah" Kaitou said "Breakfast" Autumn said as she sat the rabbit down in front of them. "Thanks" Moon said as she started to eat. "Where you up all night last night Autumn?" "No...i was up half the night" "Hunting?" Moon asked "No i was talking to the Alpha about what happened" "Im full" Kaitou said as he licked his lips. "Me too" Moon said. "Okay you guys can go play if you want but stay close to the den" "Okay we will" Moon said as they ran out into the snow. "Autumn!" A wolf yelled "Huh?" Autumn said as she walked out of the den. "Hello?" "Autumn!" "Oh hey Crystal whats wrong?" "The Alpha is trying to kill me!" "What why" Autumn yelled "I helped Ice Clan into ShadowCreek" "So why is he mad?" Autumn asked "Because one of the hunters from Ice Clan killed one of our spies there!" Crystal yelled "What!" "The Alpha thinks its my fault now and he wants to kill me!" "Hide inside here" Autumn said looking at Kate and Matt's den. "Whos den is this?" She asked "Kate's" "I thought she was dead?" "She is im taking care of their pups for a while" "Where are they now?" "Outside playing". Moon and Kaitou entred the den and saw that another wolf was there. "Uhh...who is that?" Moon asked "Guys this is Crystal shes my sister" "Hello" Kaitou said "Crystal this is Moon and Kaitou" "Nice to meet you Moon and Kaitwo" "No not Kaitwo its Kaitou" Moon said "K then eye then toe K-eye-toe" "Oh sorry Kaitou" Crystal said "Ill be right back Im going hunting" Autumn said as she ran out of the den.

Autumn ran through snow as fast as she could trying to catch a deer. But then Autumn stopped as soon as she heard the Alpha talking with someone in his den. She could not hear him well so she came closer to his den trying to listen. "Im just saying it might have been an accident" "How can it be an accident!" Ender said "But Alpha he might of thought that he was from ShadowClan!" Dixon said "None of this would have happened if Crystal stayed and guarded!" "Im sorry that they killed your son but..." "Just leave...and tell Ice, Snow, Luna, Frost, Winter and Hunter to search for Crystal but tell them to keep her alive and to vring her back to my den" Ender said. "Im on it" Dixon said as he started to walk out of the den. "Oh no" Autumn thought "I need to get out of here". She ran as fast as she could trying not to be seen. When she made it back to Kaitou and Moons den she ran inside and collapsed on the floor out of breath. "Whats wrong?" Crystal asked "The wolf Ice Clan killed was the Alphas son!" Autumn said "What!" Crystal yelled "I need to leave the pack!" "No!" Autumn yelled "I don't want to die" "Alpha has every hunter and guard looking for you!" "Oh...Great!" She said "Wait...Where are the pups? "Outside playing on the rocks" She answered 

Autumn walked outside looking for the pups. "Kaitou! Moon! Time to come inside" Autumn yelled "Its getting dark out!" "Were coming Autumn" Moon yelled. Then Autumn went back into the den and waited. Both the pups chased each other into the den and laid down talking to Crystal. "Guys ill be right back" Autumn said as she walked out of the den. "Going somewhere?" Hunter asked "Yea...why?" "Just wondering" He said "Have you seen Crystal?" "Uhh...No" He started circling  around her. "Her scent ends here" "I know shes in the den" "What no she isn't" "She just passed by a few minutes ago shes over there by the...". Hunter shoved her to the ground and entered the den. "Pups run!" Autumn yelled "Guys hurry run" Crystal said Kaitou and Moon ran out of the den hiding behind Autumn. "Crystal!" Hunter knocked her out and pulled her out of the den. Autumn growled at Hunter as he dragged her body. "Pups wait here" she whispered "No please don't go!" "I will be right back i promise" Kaitou remembered his Dad saying that before he left the den to go after fear."Please don't go!" Kaitou yelled "Ill be fine" Autumn ran towards the Alphas den where they took Crystal hoping that shes not dead.

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