The Photograph

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Katie's POV:

"Are you crying?"

I turned around and wiped my eyes quickly, "yes"

"Oh, Katie, why?"

"I miss Brian, I wish I could be with him, I love him"

He looked sympathetically at me, his soft brown eyes big and wide, "don't worry,if you two are meant to be together, then that's what'll happen"

"You t-think?"


We ate in silence for the rest of the time I had with Paul until he looked up at the clock while taking a drink of his tea. He almost dropped the teacup when he stood up suddenly, "oh shit! John's gunna kill me!"

He started putting on his coat and dropping money on the table.

"I'm sorry Katie, I have to go now" he said in a hurry before rushing out the door while slapping his big hat back on. I just sat there, shocked, Beatles come and go very easily I guess.

The money he left on the table was enough to cover the meal twice, so I just left a big tip for them.

As I walked back to the train station, my hands caressed the photograph and more tears came down my cheeks.


Brian's POV:

There are bits of glass in my hand. It's wrapped up in a big bandage now, and I just stare at it.. My hand hurts so much.

Using my other hand, I pull out unopened letter from the day before. Don't ask me why I kept it, because I don't have an answer. I was staring at it thoughtfully when Mick, then Keith, burst into the room.

"Brian! I heard what happened, are you all right?" Mick looked panicked


"What did you do to your hand?" Keith asked wearily, I shrugged.

"Um, hit a window, it broke, here I am" I kept the explanation short, strait to the point. "How's Anita?"

Keith looked up, surprised; "good"

I nodded and went back to string at the letter, Mick and Keith dragged some chairs across the floor to join me.

"Why don't you just open it?"

I looked over at Keith in disbelief,

"Don't need the heartbreak"


"Don't need the fan mail"

"But," he started again, "what if it's not heartbreak or fan mail?"

I frowned, narrowed my eyes at the envelope.

"What if..." Keith looked up at the ceiling and muttered something.


"I said, what if it's from....Katie?"

My eyes widened and I looked back at the letter, seeing it in a new light. Mick had been sitting quietly, watching our exchange, but now he spoke up;

"I, uh, found this, I thought you'd like to have it"

He held up a small photograph and my hands reached for it automatically.


The picture was pretty small, and Katie looked striking. Her brown hair was curled under and her blue eyes shone. How had I not recognized them sooner? If I had..

"So, ya, if you wanna have it man, you can"

"Thank you Mick, thanks so much"

"Your welcome" he looked surprised by my sudden gratitude. Keith stood up and Mick followed, "well, we'll check on you later, ok Brian?"

I nodded as they left and then I leaned back against the hospital bed.

I held the photograph against my chest and imagined I was hugging the real Katie. I closed my eyes and the world floated away.

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