A Cup Of Tea With A Familiar Face

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Brian's POV:

It felt like I knew Kaitlyn, that's why I let her stay. I felt comfortable with her, I don't know why, but it kind of felt like I'd had a history with her.

Wait, what am I saying?! I just met this girl a week ago and I was thinking I knew her! If only she'd show me her face, then I could see where I knew her from. But she wouldn't remove it.

"When are you leaving?"

She handed me a cup of tea and I accepted it. She leaned on the counter and gazed at my eyes.

"Oh, uhm.."

Her eyes looked so much like Katie's, where was Katie? What was the question again?

"I think we leave on Monday"

Kaitlyn sighed and I sipped my tea,

"I've been thinking.." She turned around and grabbed something flat.

Her eyes lit up and she placed a record in front of me.

Come On.

"Is this you?"

She pointed to the younger picture of me and I chuckled.

Boy did I look different; for one thing, I had shorter hair.

I also looked happier.

I frowned down at myself, I remember when we were recording this; Katie'd told me that The Rolling Stones were amazing. I'd known her for a couple of weeks, and we were going out, was this after we'd kissed?

"Ya, that's me"

"You look different, you look happier, were you with Katie?"

She'd hit it, spot on.


"Do you love Anita?"

I looked over at her, she was gazing fondly at the front of the record. It didn't even look like she'd said anything.

"I don't know, it's all very confusing"

She slid the record out and handed me the sleeve. Setting down the needle gently, her head bobbed along to the music.

I bobbed my head as well and we ended up bobbing our heads in sink with each other.

"Come on, Kaitlyn, lets do something. Tonight"


"How about I just go and get dressed up, then I'll come back for you and we'll head out."

I put on a quirky smile and she laughed, didn't Katie have a laugh like that?

"Ok, I'll get dressed-up as well"

I clapped my hands once and she followed suit. We were both still smiling as Mick's voice receded to static.

"I'll just go an' throw something on then" I said while handing her the teacup and heading for the door.

"See you in an hour!"

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