Breakfast With Strangers

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---"Katie? What do you think of this piece?"

"I love it"


"Ya, Brian, I love you, I hope you know that"

"'Course I know that Katie, I love you as well"

I leaned into him and he hugged me, keeping me close.

"I love you" ---

I woke with a start and lay in bed, thinking about this dream I'd had. Mick had rolled over in his sleep and had his arm over me. I clenched my teeth to keep from laughing.

What would Marianne think of this?

I pushed off his arm slowly and Mick mumbled something about Marianne. As I tried to find my way down the hallway, I noticed a dark figure up ahead.

"Hey, are you alright?"

I didn't even bother to hide my English accent.

The man looked up and scrambled to his feet.

Blonde hair. Ruffled clothes. Bottle of Whiskey.




I sighed, "Yes?"

He opened his mouth and closed it, I could almost see the gears in his head moving around. But all that came out of his mouth was;

"Want breakfast?"

I lifted an eyebrow, why not?


Brian took a swig of whiskey and started walking, sure footed. I followed wearily and wondered what I had just gotten myself into. As I walked, I twisted the headpiece in between my fingers.

"Katie? Katie come up here with me"

Brian grabbed my hand and pulled me close in a hug.

"Just let me spend some time with the girl I love, huh?"

Love? B-but..

We made our way to a place where we could eat in the small hotel. Somebody seated us and Brian pulled me along by the hand.

"I can't believe it's really you Katie!"

I smiled at my lap and wondered why Brian was acting like this.

"What are you doing here?"

He asked with a goofy smile on his face as he took another sip from the bottle in his hand.

"Oh, I..was just hanging around, I guess"

"I'm glad you decided to stay"

He whispered as he looked down at the table and put his hand up on the surface. I smiled and put my hand on top of his.

He looked at our hands together and whispered some more;

"I missed you so much, I hope you know"

I squeezed his hand before bringing mine back to my lap.

"I missed you as well, the real you, that is"

"What's the real me?"

Before I could answer, the waiter came back with our food and I looked down at it. Brian blinked before looking at his food as well.

We walked back to his room slowly. Neither of us speaking.



"I love you, I'll always love you"

"Katie, you are the only girl I think I've ever really loved"

He paused before asking;

"Do you want to see something amazing with me?"


"How about the end of next week, it'll be a surprise, just meet me up on the old hill, where the pipe players are, ok?"

"I'll be there Brian"

I looked over at his eyes and he looked back shyly. I stopped, Brian stopped as well and asked what was wrong.

I looked down and held his hand, he squeezed my hand and I let go.

Then I did something I'd wanted to do for a year.

I kissed him.

At first he was surprised, so I pulled back, but he grabbed my shoulders and put his lips to mine.

"I missed you so much" He groaned in my mouth and I kissed him again. Vaguely, I heard someone yelling to Watch Out! But I didn't really clue in until the maids cart had smacked Brian and sent him tumbling to the floor.

The maid ran by apologizing as I bent down to caress his head. He was out cold.

"Katie?" Someone called from down the hall, I looked up.

"Keith! Come help me!"

Keith picked up his pace and started running down the hall.

"Katie what happened?"

"Brian got smacked with a cart!" I said as Brian's forehead began to bleed slightly. Keith came up and and ripped off a piece of his scarf to put on the cut.

Brian moaned softly as we carried him to Keith's room. We set him down on his bed and Keith disappeared to find some proper bandages.

Keith came back and put a bandage on Brian's forehead.

"Are you guys back together?"

"I don't know"

"Well, it looks to me,"

Keith held up the bottle Brian had been carrying,

"That Brian was drunk"



Brian's POV:

The last thing I remember was being hit by something big.

I opened my eyes and blinked once, sat up. A red bandage fell into my lap and I brought my hand to my head.

When I brought it back, the tips of my fingers were a bit red. Well.

I brought the bandage back to my forehead and walked out onto the balcony.

Keith's was leaning against the bar and taking a smoke. He took a puff and looked back at me.

"What happened?" I asked wearily.

His eyebrows came together and he let out a breath,

"What do you remember?"

"I..think I went out for breakfast? There was someone with me, um, I think it was a girl"

I narrowed my eyes and looked at the ground.

"Then I got hit by something"

"Do you remember who the girl was?"


"Not at all?"


He sighed and I walked up and leaned on the bar of the balcony as well. I looked back at Keith, he seemed to be trying to decide something, what, though?

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